Road Paint

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Catman, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. Catman

    rb Guest

    The lights were on when I went to work and off when I came home. I
    didn't notice the wonky light pole until the day after.
    **** yeah!
    It's crap isn't it? In the 3 years I have been using that junction the
    only time I have seen traffic queue back onto the M5 was when they were
    doing the roadworks. Now you are blinded by the spot lights as you go
    up the exit ramp and the give way lines are too far forward so your
    view of oncoming traffic is blocked by those turning right.

    "Trials of the new lights will take place Tuesday February 15 with
    engineers on site to monitor the situation."

    Looks like they failed then.

    All I wanted them to do was fix that pothole as you turn right onto the
    south bound entry sliproad.
    rb, Mar 16, 2005
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  2. Catman

    platypus Guest

    You should try approaching that area coming up the A38 from the south
    through the village. Possibly the crappest junction I've ever encountered.
    platypus, Mar 16, 2005
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  3. Catman

    rb Guest

    Now that bit suits me just fine. I come off the M5 and turn north onto
    the A38, people turning right off the A38 give way to me.
    rb, Mar 17, 2005
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