I've been hanging around UKRM for a little over 2 weeks now, ever since a move to the UK became imminent. I've been on rec.motorcycles (Reeky) for about a year (as I used to live there) and I've been on aus.motorcycles (ausmoto) for quite a while. Believe it or not, UKRM is now my pick of the bunch. The "flame-for-no-reason" factor at aus.motorcycles is much higher than here. I respect and even encourage a good flaming when a total wanker lurches on in, but I have yet to see much in the way of flaming at UKRM that wasn't fully merited. The wittiness comparison is hardly worth commenting on. A classic rec.motorcycle retort might be along the lines of = "well dang, I'll just get mah gun and we'll see how funny you think you really are there, boyah!". A classic aus.motorcycle comeback might reach the lofty heights of "Fuck off, cunt!". I like this place. Manning