RIP Duncan Lamb

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Darwin, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. I remember he got a helluva roasting when he started here - he was
    punting out that ever-so-slightly-dodgy "fast bike timeshare" thing, and
    someone said it was a load of bollocks (which it was) and he posted
    their irl name and address.

    He learned quickly after that, Gawd rest 'is soul, guv.
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 26, 2004
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  2. Darwin

    Cab Guest

    You must have missed the annoucement I put up on UKRM. I got a lot of
    sympathy, y'know.
    Cab, Nov 27, 2004
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  3. Darwin

    Cab Guest

    *cough* That wasn't me that wrote that.

    But you're a complete **** anyway.
    Cab, Nov 27, 2004
  4. Darwin

    Cab Guest

    Maybe, but don't forget that you can't have the whole of UKRM charging
    into Windy's house and nicking things.
    Cab, Nov 27, 2004
  5. Darwin

    Ben Blaney Guest

    You can't have been that close a friend, then.

    Oh, and **** off.
    Ben Blaney, Nov 27, 2004
  6. Darwin

    Mike Guest

    I dunno if anyone remembers my intro to ukrm and the fun I had
    with kira and <forgets other person's name>? Anyway, the one
    person who emailed me to 'explain a few things" was Windy.

    She was very courteous, told me a few 'truths' about ukrm and
    even invited me to "Windy Towers". I still have three of her
    emails which I discovered in my archive after the news of her
    untimely departure. I can't bring myself to delete them for some
    Mike, Nov 27, 2004
  7. Darwin

    Mike Guest

    Website ?
    I think you may be misunderstaning the concept of this internet
    malarky, I know I do occasionally.
    What bloody website??? This is usenet, a hierarchal, networked
    bulletin board system which is not web based. [1]
    Not if you don't tell them, eh?

    [1] Yes, I know he's prolly reading it via google froups. I Just
    Feel Like Being Awkward, Ok?
    Mike, Nov 27, 2004
  8. Darwin

    Ben Guest

    Lung cancer diagnosed, mortal coil shuffled off a few weeks later, big
    ukrm turn-out at the crem, somebody's roses are coming up a treat.

    I've saved some of her postings, and some sound files of her singing.[1]

    [1] Isn't that a sign of the virtual world? Time was when you'd keep
    something more tangible.[/QUOTE]

    Get it burnt to a cd or you'll be pissed when your hd goes tits-up.
    Ben, Nov 27, 2004
  9. Darwin

    Pete M Guest

    He's dead y'know. They're all taking the piss out of him on the Internet.

    Pete M - "Hater of FWD Vauxhalls"

    Mercedes 260E
    Ford Capri (ressurection starts soon)
    COSOC #5
    Scouse Git extraordinaire. Liverpool, Great Britain
    Pete M, Nov 27, 2004
  10. Darwin

    Cab Guest

    Who's dead? Hislop? Blimey, that's at least half a dozen times that he
    bought it.
    Cab, Nov 27, 2004
  11. I've got that on my hard drive.... hmmmm.. maybe burning it would be a
    good thing.

    I don't have a burner on this Mac, mind....

    Front Page News was/is quite a nice song.
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 28, 2004
  12. Darwin

    Ben Guest

    I've got that on my hard drive.... hmmmm.. maybe burning it would be a
    good thing.

    I don't have a burner on this Mac, mind....

    Front Page News was/is quite a nice song.[/QUOTE]

    Email it to me with a snail mail address and I'll burn it and post it.
    Ben, Nov 28, 2004
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