RIP Duncan Lamb

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Darwin, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. Darwin

    Darwin Guest

    Killed in the 5 Car pile up on M5 Friday morning

    My thoughts go to his wife and family
    Darwin, Nov 20, 2004
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  2. Colonel Tupperware, Nov 20, 2004
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  3. Darwin

    Darwin Guest

    No but if your trying to be offensive you just succeded
    Darwin, Nov 20, 2004

  4. Can I have his bike?
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 20, 2004
  5. Darwin

    Darwin Guest

    A friend

    ps is windy still about ?

    Darwin, Nov 20, 2004
  6. Darwin

    Stritchy Guest

    Terrible for his family.

    But who was he?
    A regular poster to this group?
    Someone we *all* should have know?

    Incidentally - top posting is considered offensive in this group.
    Please don't do it, if you wish to continue posting here.
    Stritchy, Nov 20, 2004
  7. Darwin

    Darwin Guest

    When you meet him you can ask for yourself

    Darwin, Nov 20, 2004
  8. Darwin

    wessie Guest

    Darwin emerged from their own little world to say
    interesting juxtaposition of topic and poster name
    wessie, Nov 20, 2004
  9. Darwin

    prawn Guest

    A mate of Steve Hislop, natch.
    prawn, Nov 20, 2004
  10. Darwin

    Darwin Guest

    "> But who was he?
    Just someone that lives in the same town as me, a m8 a fellow biker
    Darwin, Nov 20, 2004
  11. Darwin

    Tim Guest

    In message
    What was he doing in a dangerous thing like a car anyway?
    Tim, Nov 20, 2004
  12. Trying to be Offensive? Nah. Not yet.
    I just wondered if there was any reason why he would be more widely

    People die on the roads every day.
    It doesn't do to dwell on this if you are a road user. For me, it's an
    occupational hazard.
    It's very sad for those involved, and I'm sure we all know someone who
    has died on the road, but I'm with Boris on this one.

    Will you be erecting one of those little flower shrines at the side of
    the road?

    spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997
    Usenet FAQ at
    UPCE FAQ at
    UKRM FAQ at
    Colonel Tupperware, Nov 20, 2004
  13. Darwin

    Darwin Guest

    No prob just burning out at the the wake

    Darwin, Nov 20, 2004
  14. Darwin

    Darwin Guest

    he wasnt in a car, he came upon the accident across 3 lanes and had nowhere
    to go.
    Darwin, Nov 20, 2004
  15. Darwin

    Cab Guest

    Should have gone home then, shouldn't he?

    BTW, post at the bottom, fuckwit. You have been told.
    Cab, Nov 20, 2004
  16. Darwin

    Cab Guest

    Mine don't, I never even knew the bloke.
    Cab, Nov 20, 2004
  17. Darwin

    Porl Guest

    Don't worry, I'll be alright.
    Porl, Nov 20, 2004
  18. Darwin

    Tim Guest

    Let me know how the game went as I don't have pikey-o-vision [1] and
    will have to put up with the other match.

    [1] Sky.
    Tim, Nov 20, 2004
  19. Darwin

    Donegal Paul Guest

    Sooooo....he was bored?
    Donegal Paul - On the mend
    Lambretta Li186 - crashed and bashed
    Vespa T5 Millenium - intact - What are YOU doing?
    Donegal Paul, Nov 20, 2004
  20. Darwin

    Tim Guest

    So what you're now saying is that he wasn't paying attention and/or
    riding according to the prevailing conditions?

    I bet he could post at the bottom and trim sigs though.
    Tim, Nov 20, 2004
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