Right you lot...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by MrMoosehead, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. I've just given up after an hour. 60 minutes of listening to racists is
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 21, 2003
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  2. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    You comprehensively trounced me?

    In your fucking dreams Des, in your fucking dreams. You were proven
    wrong and you *know* you were proven wrong.

    Besides the many links you were given and references to dictionaries not
    *one* single person supported your position that 'fora' was not a valid
    plural of 'forum'

    I'll repeat that: You maintained that 'fora' was not a plural of
    'forum'. No one gave you any support. No one. Not one single person.

    And now you have the utter audacity to claim that you 'comprehensively'
    trounced me? If you truely believe that (and I suspect you don't) you
    are completely delusional.

    But you're right, I won't let it drop. And it's nowt to do with anyone
    lurking, anyone reading it or any supposed elections. I won't let it
    drop 'cos it amuses me to post it, pretty much in the same way that it
    amuses you to post about your R1.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
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  3. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    spouted the following in

    No. two coils. It would have crawled along at about 45mph on one pot but
    the thought of the neat petrol washing the oil off the nikasil coated liner
    in the dead pot was too much to bear. Anyway it was F*cking freezing and my
    pillion seemed quite happy to wait for the nice warm AA wagon :)
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  4. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    (The Older Gentleman) spouted the
    following in :
    Well I wasn't referring to SO Honkas of course.

    <fx, checks for cover>
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  5. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    Hmm... I'd be with you on that one.

    Sometimes it's a curse to know how things work. Well some things.

    I'd prolly have limped off the motorway though. Maybe having tried to
    turn off the fuel to one pot. Hopefully even the correct one!
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  6. MrMoosehead

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Me too - the programme had started to seem a little pointless. There
    was nothing surprising in it, and I suspect you'd find similar groups
    of people in most countries - including ours.
    Colin Irvine, Dec 21, 2003
  7. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    I didn't snigger about Jappo bikes, I sniggered at Moosey's inability to
    ride one fast enough round bends to keep up with my old Guzzi.

    No,that my guzzi is older than any of your 4 bikes and has done twice
    the mileage of all of them put together and has only let me down
    electrically once.

    No I didn't a)start this subthread with a snide anything.
    b) make any claims that anything was a "joke"

    Are you being thick for a bet or what?
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  8. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    spouted the following in
    Between junctions on the Lakes section of the M6. A loooong way to the
    next exit, with a couple of fairly long inclines too.

    The fuel pipes on a Guzzi use a X crossover which routes petrol form
    either tap to both carbs.

    The AA guy said, "are you sure it's a coil?"

    So I swapped the live feeds and ht leads to prove it to him.

    "Fair enough mate, we won't be able to find another of those on a
    Sunday. Where are you going?"

    "Leeds via Bury"

    "No problem."

    The AA breakdown service isn't too bad IM limited E.

    <fx readies for torrent of posts>
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  9. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    Hmm. Without recovery service that would have been a hard call.
    And this would have made it harder.

    Well, some years ago, IIRC Ged bought a Jawa sidecar from TOG. Later
    flogged to Marc Donovan and then onto Kraut. Well I think that was the
    order of ownership.

    Anyhow, Ged picked it up with his son and started riding the thing back
    to Manchester. He then decided a sidecar was not for him, stopped at a
    garage a couple of miles away and pulled the HT lead from the HT cap and
    called the AA. The AA arrived and proceeded to fix it. Ged then
    proceeded to convince the AA man that a recovery service was a better
    idea than a fixed bike... All IIRC so some of it's prolly wrong.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  10. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    spouted the following in

    Well I toyed with the idea of pulling the fuel line off the carb and
    bunging it up with a bit of whittled stick, but decided that since I'd been
    paying the AA for 3 years without a callout, they owed me some prompt
    service.They were there in 45 mins.

    <names deleted to protect the (not so) innocent.>

    tallbloke, Dec 22, 2003
  11. MrMoosehead

    Champ Guest

    My KH400 riding mate used to keep a spare coil in the lining of his
    leather jacket (well, it was once the pocket, but the pocket had
    become the entire lining, iyswim). Along with 5 or 6 spark plugs, and
    a couple of sets of points.
    Champ, Dec 22, 2003
  12. MrMoosehead

    BRC Guest

    At this point he means ignore it, wash it maybe once a year if its lucky and
    generally abuse it ;o)
    BRC, Dec 22, 2003
  13. MrMoosehead

    BRC Guest

    <VBG> don't think she'd say yes to the new R1 then ;o)

    either another CBR6 - or summat with a bit more power like a GSXR750.
    Honda seeming to be the more reliable and less corrosive when completely
    BRC, Dec 22, 2003
  14. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    I'm sorry.

    You're obviously self-delusional and really believe that you 'won' that
    little argument and that the world is wrong whilst you are a sole
    'right' voice.

    You are wrong. Face the facts.

    And keep snipping away at the thing you claim to be incorrect.

    You *know* it wasn't an acceptance, I didn't lose the 'argument'.

    You made yourself look a fool and continue to do so everytime you try to
    claim fora is not a plural of forum.
    deadmail, Dec 22, 2003
  15. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    Odd that, I never had trouble with coils. Plugs yes. They even had a
    neat little storage thing for three spare plugs under the seat.

    Oh, and it was an S3 he rode if he was carrying points...
    deadmail, Dec 22, 2003
  16. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    Des, uneducated or not I'm more succesful in my chosen field than you'll
    ever be in yours; as evidenced by you failing to accept what's patently

    Still, you seem to be suggesting that there's something wrong with
    comprehensive education; another thing like the "working class scum"
    line you used elsewhere. You're a nasty little snob, aren't you?
    deadmail, Dec 22, 2003
  17. MrMoosehead

    Champ Guest

    That's been obvious for quite a while - massive intellectual and class
    superiority complex. Quite unpleasant.
    Champ, Dec 22, 2003
  18. One of the problems with where I was for my undergraduate years
    was that massive intellectual superiority complexes were quite

    And, more annoyingly, often justified.
    William Grainger, Dec 22, 2003
  19. MrMoosehead

    Ginge Guest

    As working clas scum and yet another failure of the comprehensive school
    system I'm also pleased that I've turned out to be more sucessful and
    better paid than Des, the part time teaching assistant.
    Ginge, Dec 22, 2003
  20. Ginge wrote
    I too am working class scum and a failure of the grammar school system.
    However I would not measure my success by any scale which saw the need
    to mark Des's achievements as a level to be attained.
    steve auvache, Dec 22, 2003
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