Right you lot...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by MrMoosehead, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    I see what Tallbloke means about 'legpulls'. Moosehead here is
    displaying what I assume is the northern "height of wit" again. Christ,
    he's clever with ASCII.

    Oh, and he's also good at spieling out cliches about smoking. He's done
    the beer drinking and pissing on people recently, guess he'll do the "I
    don't mind if you smoke if you don't complain when I fart" next.

    My, how the winter evening's must fly by.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
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  2. MrMoosehead

    Dan White Guest

    Scan in your documents proving you own an R1, otherwise kindly shut the ****
    up about who can prove what.

    Christ Des, I used to find you vaguely amusing but you're really starting to
    get on my tits these days. Back up your assertions with more than a
    French-English dictionary or *please* just keep your trap shut in future.
    Dan White, Dec 21, 2003
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  3. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    Well in your case it's correct anyway.

    Everyone knows you're wrong about the Fora issue; you included. Forums
    may be more elegant but that wasn't the issue as well you know.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  4. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    spouted the following in

    Deadmail here is trying to escalate from the personal attack to the Norf/
    Sarf insult in the hope of drawing in supporting como-verbiage.

    3/10 for subtlety
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  5. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    My old Guzza is older than all these bikes.
    It also has twice as many miles on as all of them put together.

    In the time I have owned it I have had one electrical breakdown. A 20
    year old coil failed, and I wasn't carrying a spare.

    It was the one occasion when I was glad to see a large yellow AA vehicle
    turn up to cart us off the motorway.

    Snarf and snigger as much as you like about shite old bikes. If you know
    how to treat 'em, they keep you smiling through the miles.
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  6. MrMoosehead

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I wasn't doing any such thing (and, if I may say so, that was a Des-esque
    swerve away from the point).

    I was saying to you that your snarfing and sniggering about Japanese
    motorcycles is stupid.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 21, 2003
  7. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    You're right that there was a personal attack on Moosehead for the
    stupid anti-smoking comments that he made; he went a long-way down in my
    estimation then. Not that I suspect that'll make one jot of difference
    to him in the same way that I couldn't give a **** about his (or your)
    view of me.

    And subtlety when I'm attacking people isn't something I aim for so the
    3/10 mark is fair enough.

    But... looking for support? No, you're off-mark there. I was escalating
    the aggravation in the thread but not in an attempt to get others to
    support me. I'm happy to argue on my own.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  8. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    spouted the following in
    Is this an argument about Latin?

    Coo, how interesting, [1]

    The long dark winter evenings etc.

    [1] Not
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  9. MrMoosehead

    Colin Irvine Guest

    You know, sometimes I worry about you.
    Colin Irvine, Dec 21, 2003
  10. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    I'd happily accept that certain shite-old-bikes keep going and that if
    anything they get more reliable as they get older... (well that's true
    if you keep on top of the bits that go wrong slowly).

    But serious question, would you normally carry a spare coil?
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  11. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    No, it's an argument about lying.

    I wouldn't argue about Latin since I know nothing about it.
    How very amusing!
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  12. MrMoosehead

    wessie Guest

    <bzzt> synonym, single word type thing, not a phrase
    wessie, Dec 21, 2003
  13. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    spouted the following in
    Thats us getting older with them!
    Well I have done on longer trips since then.
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  14. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    *cough* I should have said "I'm happy to argue with any number of people
    unaided" but I suppose the statement(s) you've picked out prolly aren't
    that out of line...
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  15. MrMoosehead

    tallbloke Guest

    As was your snipping of the actual substance of my reply.

    But hey, dissing people on usenet is too easy isn't it?
    tallbloke, Dec 21, 2003
  16. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    Heavens! you're brave correcting the French Professor like that.
    Language is 'his thing', don't you know?
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  17. MrMoosehead

    deadmail Guest

    Maybe... I've not owned a bike I've used greatly for more than a couple
    of years so I wouldn't really know.

    I was stopped at the scene of an accident where the road was blocked and
    went to the head of a queue to join another bike (Kawasaki Z1100) it was
    his line that "in his experience bikes got more reliable as they got
    Hmm... I've not gone that far. I'm hoping I'll get a warning as the
    coil dies... does the Guzzi only have one coil shared for both
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  18. MrMoosehead

    Ben Blaney Guest

    What, that your Guzzi hasn't let you down?

    *You* started this sub-thread with a snide "joke" (as you later claimed)
    about Japanese electrics. Don't you remember?
    Ben Blaney, Dec 21, 2003
  19. MrMoosehead

    wessie Guest

    wrote in
    Couldn't resist. I used to make a habit of picking on him, especially
    over on rec.travel.europe. Gave that up when the Republican
    fundamentalists descended after 9-11 to have a go at the "cheese eating
    surrender monkeys" as some would call the French. Class of insult
    directed at Des reduced somewhat [1].

    On here, I seem to have a fairly neutral attitude towards him. I've even
    been helpful when he has made a request for information.

    [1] for an indication of the intellectual level of the post 9-11 Merkin
    contributor to r.t.e have a look at BBC2 now where L Theroux is
    interviewing neo Nazis in the US.
    wessie, Dec 21, 2003
  20. Some do. Some don't.
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 21, 2003
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