Since I've kinda been a "shut-in" for the past couple of weeks, some of the ol' compadres have taken to stopping by and drinking up all my coffee with me.. LOL.. Sure have enjoyed the company.. Many thanks to everyone who's stopped by.. Yesterday was no exception and three of us wound up drinking a pot, on the renowned front porch.. Damn.. we covered a whole spectrum of subjects.. Right of Way was eventually entered into the discussion.. I've given this subject a lot of thought over the years.. A long time ago, I came to the conclusion that "right of way" is kinda like a frame of mind for anyone riding a motorcycle.. The guidelines for establishing right of way are spelled out pretty clearly.. However, there are many disadvantages to a rider challenging another vehicle for his perceived right of way.. Most of us ride motorcycles which weigh something like ten percent of any other vehicle on the street or highway.. The rider is exposed and on two wheels while the other vehicle sits in a compartment, relatively shielded.. and on four wheels.. If that cage driver accepts a right of way challenge from a biker, guess who is going to lose.. I've challenged for right of way as have most of us who ride.. We've been fortunate to have not run into that nut behind the wheel.. Yeah.. they are definitely out there.. The odds are definitely in their favor, of walking away from one of these challenges without serious injury or death.. Maybe.. I am just getting old and more cautious, but if another vehicle wants that right of way, for my part, he can damn sure have it.. No challenge from me.. I'd rather be pissed because some fool cut me off or ran out of an intersection on me, than to be dead or in a hospital.. Save the challenges until you are on a level playing field and have the chance of walking away.. A motorcycle is no match for any other vehicle which weighs ten or more times it's weight.. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker