Rider's Choice?

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by ken ward, May 19, 2004.

  1. ken ward

    ken ward Guest

    Anyone use this place to buy or sell a bike? Any tips or warnings to
    pass on?

    ken ward, May 19, 2004
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  2. ken ward

    Steve Watt Guest

    I went shopping there with a friend, and he was basically ready to buy
    a Ducati 990i, and was willing to trade the purchase price for a test
    ride. The bike didn't start (dead battery), so they put it on a charger
    and suggested we come back after lunch. It still didn't start, and at
    that point he got much less interested, so we didn't return the next
    week when they said they'd get it running.

    Not a particularly good first impression. Their selection seems
    reasonable, basically representative of what's out there.
    Steve Watt, May 19, 2004
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  3. ken ward

    cstatman Guest

    it is a consignment shop. folks drop their bikes there to sell. You
    can go, and there is a large warehouse full of bikes. the folks in the
    shop are not particularly helpful, they are not particularly un-helpful.

    it's more like visiting a physical location for the want ads. big room
    full of bikes with prices. if you want to make offer below arked, they
    call the owner for you, that's about it.

    I like the idea, but ya kinda gotta know what you are looking for when
    you go there.

    Assuring you of my best intentions at all times,

    Charles Statman
    Rocket Scientist/Wonderboy/Women's Legs Shaven

    DoD the Un-Numbered One
    cstatman, May 19, 2004
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