Rider vs. truck

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by RL, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. RL

    RL Guest

    We all wondered why a certain friend and member (ex-marine) of our club,
    didn't make it to the TET Reunion on Feb. 4, as he was really looking
    forward to it. Coming home from work to get ready to ride to Abilene, he
    was passing through Palo Pinto, on his bike. He didn't make it. Some guy
    in a pickup decided to pull across in front of Doug, who was traveling at
    about 50 mph. The bike was totalled. The really bad part, was when the guy
    in the truck backed up over his leg! Miraculously, he suffered no broken
    bones, though he may have a torn rotator cup and a bunged knee. The truck
    was heavily damaged, by Doug's body (he is not a large man!).
    I had always heard that marines are tough. Well, some definetly are! He's
    already looking for a new bike but having to wait for the truck driver's
    insurance to come through.

    Y'all ride safe. Cagers don't "see" motorcycle riders and not everyone is
    as tough as Doug, whom some now call "50 proof".

    And Doug, if you see this report, thumbs up brother.
    We're here for you, if/when you need us.
    RL, Feb 24, 2006
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  2. RL

    BJayKana Guest

    RL Sunny wrote:
    ~~~~We all wondered why a certain friend and member (ex-marine) of
    our club, didn't make it to the TET Reunion on Feb. 4, as he was really
    looking forward to it. Coming home from work to get ready to ride to
    Abilene, he was passing through Palo Pinto, on his bike. He didn't make
    it. Some guy in a pickup decided to pull across in front of Doug, who
    was traveling at about 50 mph. The bike was totalled. The really bad
    part, was when the guy in the truck backed up over his leg!
    Miraculously, he suffered no broken bones, though he may have a torn
    rotator cup and a bunged knee. The truck was heavily damaged, by Doug's
    body (he is not a large man!). I had always heard that marines are
    tough. Well, some definetly are! He's already looking for a new bike but
    having to wait for the truck driver's insurance to come through.
    Y'all ride safe. Cagers don't "see" motorcycle riders and not everyone
    is as tough as Doug, whom some now call "50 proof".
    And Doug, if you see this report, thumbs up brother. We're here for you,
    if/when you need us.

    Sunny - IRPK, ISRA #7123

    Sunny gAL):~Gosh, backed up and ran over Dougs leg. Wow. That is
    amazing. Thank goodness he is okay,& with no' real serious injuries.
    So I guess the truck cager guy, ran a stops sign or something like that,
    and hit doug, right.
    I can happen that quick.
    ~~I ran into a guy, who pulled just a little bit out in front of me,
    two weeks ago. He pulled out slowly from a stop sign, I clipped him.
    B-U-T, I was driving our Windstar vehicle.
    I wasnt hurt in the least.
    ~~Within 3 days, his insurance State Farm totaled our vehicle, and paid
    up within 10% of the top blue book.
    three days after that, Honey and I bought an 06 Van Vehicle, with lots
    of bells and whistles.
    ~~So my accident really became quite a positive. Because we were in the
    market, to buy a new'un anyway.
    _____I am real glad that your friend Doug is okay, and going to git'
    right back on motorcickle.________BJAY___________
    BJayKana, Feb 24, 2006
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  3. RL

    RL Guest

    Thanks Morgan.... and Albert and Bjay, as well. I'll relay y'all's best
    wishes to him.

    Stay safe; ride like they don't see ya, 'cause they don't.
    RL, Feb 25, 2006
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