[QUOTE] [QUOTE][QUOTE] [1] I spanked my ex-wife's Yamaha Passola into a bus right by the church in Brundall, dislocated my hip. Fucking bike was virtually undamaged. Outside Childerditch Church in Essex I piled-up the Vin - borked my glasses, skid lid, femur into about 20 pieces and some bonemeal, several ribs, collarbone, shoulder blade, wrist, skull, collapsed a lung and had a fortnight's concussion. Otherwise I was OK, and only minor damage to Vin... Do I get some sort of medal? OETKB mayhap?[/QUOTE] I broke 23 bones in one incident in 1981 that put me in a coma for 3 weeks and hospital for 9 months[/QUOTE] <stops whinging>[/QUOTE] Aye, me too. I only borked <20 and was home within three weeks. Still hurts, mind.