Ride to the VA in Dallas

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh.. it was nippy out here this morning.. I layered up pretty good, but
    it was still cold.. Back in the old days, wouldn't have paid much
    attention.. LOL.. Guess that's what happens when the years pass.. I just got
    back home a little before two and haven't warmed up real good.. Sitting here
    in the old bathrobe trying to get my thoughts together for this post..
    I visited with some of the worst case patients today.. Missing legs for the
    most part, but some of these guys were cut to pieces.. arms, etc.. Damn..
    Not many of the Korean vets left, but a few of them are there.. Mostly Viet
    Nam vets with a few from the Gulf Wars.. As usual, they wanted to look at a
    motorcycle, so we arranged to bring mine on the ward.. Worked fine until
    they wanted to hear it.. LOL.. You know me.. ever ready to oblige.. I
    cranked that bad boy and shook the building.. Well.. you can imagine how
    long that lasted.. Me, bike and all left the building..You know, maybe we
    got something goin' on, now.. There was a couple of "Gypsies" there on their
    rides as well as some of the "Boozefighters".. We walked the wards and
    visited each patient individually..Come on guys... I'm a tough ol' bird, but
    this is a heart breaker.. Most of those guys have a better attitude than
    mine, I have to keep a handkerchief in my hand all the time I am in there..
    During lunch, we all laughed and told stories and jokes about the military
    ... I told some of my famous motorcycle stories and they loved it.. Even the
    staff got a kick out of those old stories of mine.. Alright, we'll wind this
    up for now.. I left the hospital and the other guys invited me to ride over
    to Stroker's for a coldbeer, but I just wasn't in the mood, so I made my way
    over to Loop 12 and headed on back home.. Helluva good day and the temps are
    just about right to ride, now.. LOL... Just my luck, right ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 7, 2003
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  2. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    Hey Bill - uh....don't mean to rude, but if you would wear more than
    your bathrobe for a ride when it's only about 50-degrees out you might
    not get so cold.

    would liked to have been there for that one!! LOL
    I am thinking you left before I was ready to ride today. I got out
    for a little bit. Ended up having to peel off some layers along the
    way. Was a tad windy, but otherwise made for some fine riding around.

    Glad to hear that you had a good one and gave those guys some company.

    fullstate, Dec 7, 2003
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  3. Bill Walker

    Paul Guest

    Bill, I read yor posts about the VA, and I appreciate wat you do. I am
    in the Viet Nam group, and am hoping to be able to stay at home until the
    end. I visit with as many of the folks as I can, and especiallly enjoy my
    trips in to the Outpatient Clinic in the Bryan/ College Station area. I get
    to see the fella's who paved the way for me. My wife gets a kick out of the
    fella's as well. I'm kinda' hard headed, and have not been kept down by
    injuries from the past. I'm nothing special, just don't know when to stop
    (kinda' dumb that way). I respect each and every rider and "civilian"
    (non-rider) who watches over the Vets. Shows us some folks still care. If
    any of you are down in the Hearne area, look me up. Right on SH6 next to the
    Barbecue shack. (I don't cook, I work on scoots next door!).
    Thanks, Paul...
    Paul, Dec 7, 2003
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Good thoughts to you Paul.. 'preciate the kind words.. None of us can ever
    pay the debt we owe these guys.. But .. if I put a smile on their faces for
    just a few minutes every now and then, I hope it helps, somewhat.. Keep up
    the good work in your area and the invitation is open to you and the wife if
    you get a chance to ride with us a little bit.. I'm not runnin' with a group
    for the most part, and your company would be appreciated..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 8, 2003
  5. Bill Walker

    Waco Guest


    Oh god...the mental image of Bill's bathrobe flapping up in the wind makes
    me want to claw my eyes out!
    Waco, Dec 8, 2003
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well... mmmm.... You are "rude".. LOL.. Guess that's why I like you.. If I
    wanna ride nekkid, that's my own damn fault.. Shame on you.. You ain't
    supposed to be tellin'..
    Glad to see you back, pard.. Lookin' forward to your ride report.. Lot's of
    miles and sure happy it went well for you.. Next time, let's try to round up
    a crew for a run down into Mexico.. OK..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 8, 2003
  7. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    LMAO - it would be even better if he had on one of those old pilots
    caps and some goggles.

    fullstate, Dec 8, 2003
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I didn't tap the thermometer but, seems like it was in the low thirties when
    I hit it.. Sheesh.. Fullstate.. if you and Waco would get up at a
    reasonable time to do stuff, you'd know all this.. Take it easy of the
    oldtimer.. LOL.. Anyway, I am looking at a trip to Mexico within the next
    three months.. Both you clowns might as well plan on it.. I wanna show you
    some real biking highway.. Waco needs to re-gucci that ol' springer and get
    it ready for some more real riding.. That trip to the east coast is child's
    play, in comparison... Let's get it done.. OK..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 8, 2003
  9. and chaps, don't forget the chaps... <VBG>


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 8, 2003
  10. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    I don't want to hear it. If I go to bed at 2:30 or 3:00am and get up
    at 8:30 that's only about five or six hours of sleep. I just can't go
    to bed at 9:00pm at night and get up before the sun. Not in me to do

    Mexico sounds very entertaining. My only problem is that I don't know
    when and if I'll ever get to take a vacation again. :-(

    fullstate, Dec 8, 2003
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    This whole response is bullshit.. You have two or three months to plan it
    and get ready.. And ... if you would grow up a little more like me, you
    would be getting in bed at a decent hour of the night.. LOL.. Might make
    those old hangovers not quite so intense, also...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 8, 2003
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn... been sleeping in those things... I must admit that the conchos get a
    little bit rough when I turn over at night.. LOL
    Bill Walker, Dec 8, 2003
  13. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    it's not bullshit. I haven't been allowed to take a vacation in about
    2 years....and I still don't know when I'll be able to take one.
    Doesn't matter if it's 3 months out, 3 weeks, or 3 days. I just don't
    know if I'll be able to take vacation.

    And I am not going to bed at 9:00pm......

    fullstate, Dec 8, 2003
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well OK, then... Hello "sleepy" AND "hungover"... LOL
    Bill Walker, Dec 9, 2003
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