Ride Report

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Biff Bentley, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Biff Bentley

    Biff Bentley Guest

    Dropped of the Short People Friday about 4, ran up to Somerville. Met the
    cloud edge of the cold front about Brenham. Saw about 4 billion people in
    their Easter clothes taking pictures in the bluebonnets on the side of the
    road. Stopped on the way back at the store next to the Chappell Hill Cafe
    and bought $25 worth of dried sausage (like slim jim's, only with flavor,
    and made with meat). went home

    Today, road down to Brazos Bend State Park to look for alligators. Saw none.
    Noticed they are building some hihg dollar housing next to the prison farms.
    &^@ has some nice sweeping curves.Chatted up the Park Ranger chicks. went

    It was cool enough to wear long johns both times.
    Biff Bentley, Apr 9, 2007
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  2. Biff Bentley

    BJayKana Guest

    biffBentley wrote:
    ''in part---It was cool enough to wear long johns both times.''

    so you wore long johns, under yore' jeans, then your leather chaps? Its
    hard to believe, having to wear all that, in April, and even harder, on
    Easter Day.
    We'll talke about this for a spell.

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 9, 2007
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  3. Biff Bentley

    redshad Guest

    Its got to be global warming messing us up.

    redshad, Apr 9, 2007
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