Thursday night a good friend of mine called and asked if the wife and I would like to come out to Possum Kingdom Lake. His parents have a lake house right on the water and they were kind enough to let my friend and his wife have the run of the place all week. They have a nice Pro Craft bass and ski boat and three jet ski's. I asked the wife and she was all for going. Friday morning we loaded up the motorcycle and headed to the lake. We went thru Weatherford and took a left on the other side of town and headed towards Peaster. The route we took bypassed going thru Mineral Wells. We headed over to Graford and on to the lakehouse. It was 135 miles from my driveway to the lake house. My wife had never been on a jet ski before so she was a little gun shy of it but once I showed her how to operate it, I couldnt get her off of it. We rode the jet skis for about 3 hours and by then some other people has shown up and we all decided to go scuba diving. We loaded all the dive gear on the boat and headed to Hells Gates. My wife and I took the jet skis and my friend and his wife and a few others piled in the boat. The water was still pretty cold and the visibility at about 60 feet was good. It was one cold motha at that depth. When we finished up with the dive, we loaded all the gear back up and headed over to the cliffs and went swimming for a hour or so and headed back up to the house. We proably ran about 40 miles or so up the lake and back. My friends father has a old Suzuki something or other. It is a full dresser. That bike has everything but the kitchen sink on it. He asked if I wanted to go for a ride around the lake so we did. That motorcycle has set up for no telling how long so the battery was dead. He hooked up the battery charger to it for a little while and hit the boost and that bike fired right up. We rode all of park road 16 and got lost a few times. Good riding though. We clocked about 100 miles or better. When we got back to the house I asked where my wife was and she was out on that jet ski. Now she wants me to sell my bass boat and buy two jet skis..aint happnin. I got the wife off that thing and told her we better head home before dark because of the amount of deer that might be on the roads. I wanted to atleast be in Weatherford when it got dark. We loaded up and we went thru Mineral Wells on the way home. We made it back to Arlington just after dark. We did see a few deer on the way home and also saw about four wild turkeys. All in all we rode about 370 miles. My poor wife was plum wore out when we got home. She hit the shower and straight to The best part was when we woke up Saturday morning and I asked her if she wanted to go to the lake again. She gave me a crazy look and said..LETS GO. We loaded up on the motorcycle and did it all over again. We rode the same route going and comming home. We mainly just rode jet skis and swam. The both of us are a little sun burnt but it was worth it. We rode about 280 miles on the motorcycle and proably about 60 miles on the jet skis or more. My motorcycle rolled over on 20,000 miles yesterday when we hit Weatherford. Good times had by all. Ate alot of good food and got to ride my motorcycle. What more in life can a man ask for. Redshad