Ride report - Batemans Bay

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by col, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. col

    col Guest


    Left Mitcham on the 28th December about 11am. The weather was looking a tad
    dodgy with many dark clouds gathering around Berwick in the direction that I
    was heading. The predicted showers and occassional hail (along with high
    winds) was right on. As I was travelling along the Berwick by pass the hail
    hit and with such a force that my right kneecap which was on the side of the
    weather, felt like it had sustained some damage. I dont normally stop in
    these sort of situations but this time I had to as the pain from every
    falling ice cubes (I swear) hitting my leg was stinging more and more. I
    pulled up under an overpass for a minute or so till the hail stopped and I
    took off again.

    It is interesting to note here that when I took off last year on this same
    trip the temperature as 42 degrees and didnt drop only at Lakes Entrance
    where a sea breeze was welcome for the length of the town.

    I didnt need to stop till Sale where I fuelled up and took the opportunity
    to grab my favourite bike snack, a pie, albeit a mass produced in plastic
    type. As is the usual, the bastard was too hot so I found a spot in my tank
    bag where it could sit for a while to cool down till I got to Stratford and
    have a rest stop.

    I didnt need to stop till I needed fuel at Newmerella, just before Orbost.
    Although my tank may have lasted till another town, I am wary of tempting
    fate after running out once on the way to Echuca and needed to push a much
    smaller bike. A loaded up CBR1000F would not be much fun when it isnt
    propelling itself!

    The next stop was at Cann River. The road house on the right just in town is
    pretty good for burgers.
    Met up with another rider, Matt(?) who was having a problem with a slow oil
    leak on his mid 80's GS1000. After providing some insight into things
    mechanical from one with no knowledge of things motor-wise, I took off for
    Genoa. Matt(?) had put some goo on the leak and had to wait an hour or so
    till it set and headed off for the pub. All the time from Cann River, dark
    clouds were appearing and disappearing just as quick.

    I arrived at the Genoa pub around 7.30 or so and went straight to the bar
    and got a room and a beer ($30 a night for a room with ensuite and bike
    friendly). Went to the room to lay down and rest after wrestling with the
    handlebars all day with the prevailing south to south westerly wind. I saw
    plenty of bikes heading the other way and can only imagine that it must have
    been a bastard heading into it.
    After about two hours Matt arrived and decided to grab a bed for the night
    as he too was undecided about the weather. After a few freshly poured pots
    in the bar we grabbed a couple of travellers and stood out in the fresh
    night air chatting about plans for the next week or so (he was off to Sydney
    for New Years and then Kalgoorlie to drive trucks in the mines).

    The next day we took off about 8am. It had been raining on and off during
    the night and was going to do the same this morning. After about 30 or so
    k's the rain decided to leave and some blue patches appeared. With the wind
    still not appearing it seemed like a good run up the coast may be on and I
    was right. Sticking to the coast we arrived at Tathra for a bacon and egg
    roll and hot coffee. That was a great start as the next 40 or so k's are a
    mix of roads and rolling hills and spectacular coast line views till joining
    the highway again just before Tilba.
    After a short stop at Bermagui to take in the sea air and snap a few coastal
    shots we took off for Batemans Bay where we arrived about 12.30 or so. This
    was my destination so we bid our farewells and Matt took off for Sydney.

    The next few days were quiet as I took up a prime spot in front of the TV to
    catch up on the cricket and news reports of the tragedy up north. I guess
    that the Tsunami disaster took away a lot as this years New Years Eve seemed
    to be a lot quieter. I even turned in at about 11.40 and was only awoken by
    the sound of the fireworks across the bay. The usual noise from parties and
    revellers at the turn of midnight was dim compared to last year.

    After a bit more rest however, my right wrist was twitching and after
    cleaning the bike and chain the day before I decided to go for a spin to
    Braidwood via a very twisty and hilly road (cant remember the name of the
    mountain). The ride is great up that way and even though I am not a fast
    rider, it seemed to go so quickly due in part I guess to the different road
    types and changing scenery along the way. To Nelligen the turns are short of
    sweepers but up and down. For the next 15 or so k's it is tighter with
    packed forests of eucalypts and tree ferns and then it is up the mountain
    and through some open areas with longer turns. Braidwood is a historic town
    with some interesting and uncluttered roads in the surrounding areas. The
    bakery here is good with their selection of pies small but tasty.

    After a quick tour to an old mining town about 15 k' south of the Braidwood
    I headed back to Batemans Bay. Doing the road in the opposite direction was
    interesting especially the smell of very hot brakes from the cars and odd
    truck. The only problem that I found on this road was the cagers. Too many
    rice burners, sporty type cars and people movers who just couldnt wait to
    get to their intended destination. I let several pass me as I wanted to
    enjoy the scenery more than the travelling.
    I liked that road though and decided to do the trip again the next day with
    the purpose of locating the home brewer which eluded me the day before. This
    day was slightly warmer than the previous and after a ride around the back
    streets looking at all the different architecture and old buildings, I went
    back to the main road and found the bakery again (this time for my Mum) and
    then around the corner to the home brewer where I purchased a couple of
    different beers (the Best Bitter was very nice). Another ride back to
    Batemans Bay dodging the 4 ton projectiles.

    I packed up and headed off on the 3rd at 8.15am. The forecast was good for
    some decent riding weather but could change due to the terain. I followed
    the Princess Highway back down the coast to the turn off for Brown Mountain
    along twisty and steep road up to the Southern Tableland and Nimittibel.
    This is another opportunity to taste some country delights and the bakery
    here is another fine choice. Once again, a hot pie makes its way into my
    tank bag and I stop at lookout west of the town on the Jindabyne road to
    consume it.

    Last year I went via Jindabyne but this time I decided to go via Adaminiby
    to Kiandra and down. I took the opportunity to fill up at Adaminiby given
    that there is no fuel unless you go to Tumut. Whilst filling up I assessed
    the situation regarding the weather. Judging by the increase in cloud cover
    and the drop in temperature it looked as though anything up high would be
    cold, wet and windy and I wasnt wrong. Not long after getting into the
    alpine area, it got a lot darker and colder and I had to stop and add some
    more layers to protect me. It wasnt long till the weather closed in with
    rain and what I thought was sleet began. I stopped once to check out an old
    cemetary and whilst walking among the headstones wondered how these people
    survived for as long as they did in this area given that this was summer!
    I turned at Kiandra and proceeded to make my way to Cubramuura. After
    turning south the weather once again decided to wage war. Visibility was
    reduced at times to no more than 20 or 30 feet and with the wind in my face
    and more rain that stung when it hit (my visor was wet as and fogged up when
    I closed it) the next 50 or so k's was interesting to say the least. When
    the weather is like this it is a frustrating road to travel on knowing that
    your ride will take you down a considerable distance so that you emerge from
    the rain and wind only to go up into it again another two times.
    When I got to Cubramurra (highest town in Australia), the lookout was not
    providing a view at all which is annoying as I will have to wait another 12
    months till I come through the town again in hopefully better weather.
    After negotiating more weather and up and down twisties at walking pace I
    made it out of the park and onto some nice straight rollercoaster type
    stretches of road and out into the rolling of hills and onto the Murray
    Valley highway.
    I made my way to the Tintaldra Hotel after hearing of its existence on
    forums and lists and would like to recommmend it to one and all. After
    arriving around 4pm or so I was glad to think the road was not to be thought
    of for the night, only the thought of another cold beer.
    Two other riders were at the pub, Steve (Kawasaki ZRX21200) and his partner
    Pat (Triumph Boneville T100) from Newcastle. We enjoyed the country
    hospitatlity, a good pub meal on the porch and some very welcome ales.
    After the big night I was up and getting ready to head off, this time
    remembering to pack the layers that may be needed, on top of everything
    else. After a big cooked breakfast (much needed), we headed of down the
    highway towards the Hume Wier but only making it to Granya before turning
    and heading for Tallangatta and a much needed fuel stop (my bike made it to
    275k's before flicking over to reserve). From Tallangatta we headed for Mt
    Beauty and a stop for some lunch. From Mt. Beauty we went over the mountain
    to Bright where Steve and Pat took off for a ride up to Mt Buffalo. I
    decided to not join them having been up there last year and took of for
    Oxley and then left to Whitfield, over the mountain and onto Mansfield, Yea
    and the back way through Flowerdale, Kinglake, St Andrews and Warrandyte
    before making it home, once again in the rain, to Mitcham.
    col, Jan 15, 2005
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  2. col

    SmeeR11S Guest

    Snip most excellent read

    Makes me want to try something like that but expectant wife and
    impending fatherhood will curtail something like that in the near future.
    SmeeR11S, Jan 15, 2005
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  3. col

    col Guest

    This is the second time I have done the trip. My other half lets me go as my
    folks live up there so I plan a two day trip up and two days back. I hope
    they dont move as I am eager to go again :)
    col, Jan 15, 2005
  4. col

    Gary Woodman Guest

    Clyde Mountain.

    Some of our favourite roads. Thanks for an interesting report!

    Gary Woodman, Jan 20, 2005
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