Ride Report 6-03-06

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Me and the wife decided to go see my mother in Henderson,Tx this morning. We
    woke at about 6:00am and started getting ready for the trip. We left the
    house here in Arlington,Tx at about 7:30am and headed to Interstate 20 and
    fueled up on the service road at the Quick Trip. We hit the highway and rode
    to Canton, Tx and pulled off on highway 19 and topped off the tank. The trip
    was on 77 miles when we topped off. We hit I-20 East again and went to exit
    583 near Kilgore. Exit 583 takes you around Kilgore so you miss going threw
    town. Its about 25 miles or so from there on into Henderson. I topped off my
    tank again at Henderson and the trip was on 81 miles.

    We visited my mother for a couple hours or so and then we all loaded up into
    her car and went to town and ate some good mexican food at a resturant
    called Lupas. Some of my other family members met us there and we all had
    lunch. My mother has this deal about..I came to see you last so its your
    turn to come see me. She came up here last Sunday for my sons graduation so
    I thought I would go see her today so the ball is back in her court..lol. We
    all finished eating and all the family headed back to my mothers house. We
    all sat around and visited a while and then my wife and I got ready to hit
    the road and head back to the big city of Arlington.

    On the way home I took a different route. I hit Highway 64 there in
    Henderson and we came back thru Tyler. We stopped and rested in Ben Wheeler
    which is the town I was born and raised in. That town sure is dead now.
    Where did all the kiddos go. When I lived there, that town was alive with
    kids and people everywhere. Where there used to be a post office is now a
    hair cutting place. Where there used to be a bank is a constables office.
    Where there used to be a general store and a feed store is all borded up.
    Where there used to be a skating ring now stands a water tower. Where there
    used to be a place where the old folks played dominos is borded up. The only
    thing that remains the same is the blacksmiths shop. What happened to my
    town? They have some new stuff built there but its nothing like it was when
    I was growing up. I still go to that town of Ben Wheeler whenever I can and
    remember when I was a boy. Today I rode the same roads I did as a kid on my
    1964 Honda Dream 305. Takes you back and brings a smile to my face.

    We left Ben Wheeler and headed to Canton,Tx. At Canton I topped off the tank
    and the trip was on 78 miles. We picked up I-20 from Highway 64 and headed
    West bound. My wife was hungry so we stopped at Lindys there in Mesquite and
    ate dinner and headed on home. I topped of the tank when we hit Collins
    Street there at the Quick Trip and the trip read 77 miles. All in all we
    rode round trip at around 313 miles. My wife was glad to see home. I kinda
    was too. It was a good ride. Saw alot of country and got to eat good food
    and visit with family. Life is good.

    redshad, Jun 4, 2006
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  2. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    Hey redshad, a 313 days ride is a good one. I admire your wife for
    hanging in there, and enjoying riding with you.
    Guys that don't have a woman that either rides her own, or rides twoUp
    with them, has my condolences, Grin.
    Ain't nuthing like it, it is an added pleasure to the fun of riding, in
    my manual heh heh.
    Glad you told us about it,
    BJayKana, Jun 4, 2006
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