Ride Report 4-9-07

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Snuck out of work early yesterday evening and drove home as fast as I
    could to mount up on the ole goldwing and take a short ride. Buddy H.
    is in town so I figured I would go over and look at him. That goldwing
    is an amazing ride. I rode all the way to Bills and didnt use much
    gas, my rear wasnt hurting, I wasnt vibrated to death or anything.
    Just a smooth and cool 15 mile ride.

    Pulled up at Bills and there was a BIG blue thing sitting out front.
    As I got closer, I could see it was BIg Eds Yamer-Hammer. I parked my
    steed and went up and they were all sitting at the kitchen table
    smoking crack ,,I mean eating a big bowl of stew that Bills wife had
    whooped up. Big Ed was finished and offered me his bowl and spoon but
    Magda said I could have a clean one since I was her favorite guest.
    That stew was some good stuff. I started to get a To-Go bowl but I
    wanted to make sure that Bill had something to eat all week so I
    didnt. Magda fixed me a big bowl of stew and some lemon-aide. I ate
    while Bill and Buddy told lies and Big Ed listened and laughed. After
    I was finished eating, we all went outside to check out Buddys Harley.

    Buddys Harley is a one of a kind. That thing has so much chrome and
    lights and bells and whistles on it that I am suprised that engine can
    pull it down the road. We got a light show and got to listen to some
    old man music while we looked that big bike over. After we were done,
    Buddy put the cover on it. He said that he bought a HONDA cover for it
    so that no one would steal or mess with his bike. We talked a little
    while longer and Big Ed and I decided it was time for us to hit the
    road since we are still employeed and had to report to work in the
    morning. So I rode with Big Ed to the big road and he went east and I
    went west.

    Good to see Buddy again. Big Ed still looked the same as he did last
    week and Bill looked like he has been tanning in Mexico. Bill..tell
    Magda thanks for the supper...it was very good.

    redshad, Apr 10, 2007
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  2. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    Ditto on the supper.Anytime someone makes a stew like that with big ol'
    veggies and pieces of steak the size of a small meal,it reminds me of Mama
    and the good suppers growing up in the Piny Woods Of East Texas.
    The good thing about meeting BH was like Paul Harvey.You get the rest of
    the story on BW.I sure hope to run across him again on a ride.
    The Harley.I have seen many.This puts them all to shame.You can take that
    to the bank.
    Thanks Bill for that snort.Smooth stuff.You need to keep a little of that in
    yo saddlebags for rainy days under bridges.

    All I can do is hope for nice weather this weekend.I need a trip.
    Ed Hart, Apr 10, 2007
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  3. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well sir.. I'll sure pass it on to the Mexican. lol.. Yeah, I'd have to say
    you are definitely one of her favorite visitors..

    My old pard sure made a trip to write home about.. He rode the northern
    route from Casa Grande, Az. Through Albuqurque, NM and from there to
    Tulsa.. (that's where his people live).. Most of the way, he was either run-
    ning in rain, sleet or snow.. This isn't exactly the time of year to be
    a trip along that route.. His trip from Tulsa was dry enough, but he rode in
    some pretty cold stuff..

    By the time he pulled into LaCasa, there was no doubt he'd been on a ride..
    Gear and all, that old dude was cold and stiff.. We got that big Harley bed-
    ded down on the Mexican's patio and drank the first cup of coffee from the
    Gucci coffeemaker.. have I mentioned that I have got a Gucci coffee pot ?

    Got caught up to speed on what's been going on in our lives since we were
    last together.. Then, Big Ed came sliding, silently in.. Whew .. that new
    ure sure needs some pipes on it.. The three of us visited, after the
    ions.. sat down to eat and Redshad came aboard.. again.. his GoldWing runs
    too damned quiet.. hmmm.. Gotta get some pipes on those things..

    We all sure enjoyed each other's company and made the rounds of the motor-
    cyles.. admiring each one in turn.. There was definitely some good looking
    bikes gathered at my house.. Pretty good mix .. one Harley .. one GoldWing
    a Venture Royale and did I mention the Green Vulcan with the belt

    Good friends.. good, and relaxed visit .. We all had a good time..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 10, 2007
  4. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Hope Magda isnt to mad at us for making her miss her soap opera or
    soap bopper or her tv program..whatever she calls it. I know she was
    trying to watch it while we were yacking. That woman needs to tape
    those kinds of things hu.

    Just for BJ..theres that "hu" again. You know what the means

    redshad, Apr 10, 2007
  5. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    redshad said:
    Hope Magda isnt to mad at us for making her miss her soap opera or soap
    bopper or her tv program..whatever she calls it. I know she was trying
    to watch it while we were yacking. That woman needs to tape those kinds
    of things hu.
    Just for BJ..theres that "hu" again. You know what the means
    Redshad )

    I do know what that symbol means now, thatn you, Redshad.

    To Bill; It sounds like you and the wife were gracious hosts, for them
    good ol' boyz.

    They're lucky to live that close to ya'll, I mean it. regards, Bjay.

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 10, 2007
  6. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    He's pulling out this morning.. early..
    Bill Walker, Apr 11, 2007
  7. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    He pulled out at 6 AM this morning.. Buddy wanted to see all the good
    friends in Texas, but.. just didn't have enough time.. Due to the weather
    and time restrictions, we didn't get a chance to ride as much as we'd
    have like.. There was some saddle time, though and as usual we caused
    quite a few chuckles and laughed a lot between ourselves..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 11, 2007
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