Ride for Rights

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Mike Alvey, and I will meet Preacher and one of his good friends to make the
    trip to Austin, this afternoon at 6 PM.. We'll do our little get together at
    the Waffle House located at I-35 and Alta Mesa, in Ft.Worth.. Without mishap
    or problems, our arrival in the Austin area, should be between 10 and 11

    The Failure to Yield Bill is scheduled for Committee hearing before the
    Transportation Committe, early Tuesday morning.. There have been a lot of
    rumors flying back and forth, coming from the Capitol.. Some reports are
    saying that, although the opposition coming from the Floor, is fierce.. we
    have made a lot of progress in getting our Bills on calendar .. That's both
    good news and bad..

    Furthur reports coming from Austin, indicate that the State Reps and
    Senators contacted have refuted their opposition to our Bills and will vote
    in favor of them when given the opportunity... There isn't much way to tell,
    until those Bills come up for a vote..

    Meanwhile.. the more visibility that we can sustain with our presence in and
    around the Capitol should reassure that those votes cast, will be observed
    and reported..The Bikers present in the Gallery will return to their
    respective home districts and share the way votes are being cast on the
    floor of our Legislature.. There is quite a lot of opposition to the
    Recorded Vote Bill from many of our elected ones, guess they'd prefer their
    constituents not be aware of how they are voting.. huh..

    Rain in the area, will hopefully subside by this evening, at any rate ..
    there will be at least four motorcycles on that highway to Austin.. this
    evening.. If at least four of the brothers and sisters from each of our
    districts in Texas, there will be good representation of TMRA 2 before that
    Committee hearing.. See you all in Austin and will report the results of
    that hearing when I get back to Irving..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 25, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The Capitol has been a frantic place during this Session.. Rumors are flying
    everywhere and the stunts going on during the Committee hearings on our
    Bills seem designed to keep everyone off balance, as far as anyone being
    sure about where we stand on the votes.. I think I touched on this subject
    when I reminded everyone that we won't know for sure, until the final vote
    is cast on the floor of Legislature and the Senate..

    Last time I heard anything about a District being chartered in San Antonio
    was during the breakfast run in March.. Every time I get close to Sputnik or
    one of our secretaries, I do bring up the subject.. Someone isn't
    communicating very well about it, or maybe that is just my impression..
    hmm... Maybe I better swing by, get with you and spend some time together,
    to help you get that puppy off the ground.. How does that sound ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 25, 2005
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  3. Wentworth is voting No. Sometimes nothing you can say will change someone's
    mind. We just need two other Senators in the committee to vote Yes and the
    bill would pass the committee.
    Elmer McKeegan, Apr 26, 2005
  4. Didn't make it down with you but I watched you all on the video live on the
    internet. Of course I had to turn down the volume when work interfered. Not
    too sure about the committee. They asked some questions and I really
    couldn't get a feel for their voting preference. I would hope they let it go
    to the full house and let them go after the bill. A good disscussion by the
    full house would get us an idea of what would be expected should it not make
    it this year.
    Elmer McKeegan, Apr 27, 2005
  5. I care and so do a bunch here in Texas.
    Elmer McKeegan, May 1, 2005
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