RFID embedded number plates

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by tallbloke, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. tallbloke

    Champ Guest

    Don't worry, it's just tallbloke having one of his his paranoid
    delusions. Or having a wind-up - sometimes it's difficult to tell
    them apart.
    Champ, Jun 10, 2005
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  2. tallbloke

    flash Guest

    Ben Blaney adopted his native Essex defensive stance and vomited the
    following onto his keyboard

    Me neither.
    flash, Jun 10, 2005
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  3. tallbloke

    flash Guest

    The chip is made of clear acrylic and the letters are themselves batteries.
    flash, Jun 10, 2005
  4. batteries.

    See http://www.dvla.gov.uk/public/consult/vrm_security/vrm_security.htm

    The Road Vehicles (Display of Registration Marks) Regulations 2001 set out
    the current legal requirements for the display of vehicle number plates
    conforming to the British Standard specification BS AU 145d. The Vehicles
    (Crime) Act 2001 includes provision for the addition of security features to
    number plates. This could include additional visible information displayed
    on the plates, changes to the specifications relating to the material of
    manufacture and also the possible use of microchip technology.

    "possible use of microchip technology"
    Biker2 \(Threadstopper\), Jun 10, 2005
  5. tallbloke

    tallbloke Guest

    If it becomes an MOT requirement, then the answer to that is 3 years max.
    tallbloke, Jun 10, 2005
  6. tallbloke

    tallbloke Guest

    I refer the honourable gentleman to the url in the original post on this
    thread. Hill are the biggest manufacturer of number plates in the country
    tallbloke, Jun 10, 2005
  7. tallbloke

    tallbloke Guest


    Thats just you being paranoid Champ. :))

    It's real enough though. Have a read of this:


    e-Plates are the same size and shape as a conventional plate and are
    permanently fitted to a vehicle. Each e-Plate contains an embedded tag
    with a unique encrypted identification number that is transmitted by the
    tag for detection by RFID readers. Multiple tags can be read
    simultaneously by a single RFID reader at speeds of up to 320 km per hour
    (200 miles) up to 100 meters (300 feet) away. The reader network, which
    includes fixed-location readers for use on the roadside and portable
    readers for use in surveillance vehicles and handhelds, sends the unique
    identifier in real time to a secure central system where it is matched
    with the corresponding vehicle data such as registration number, owner
    details, make, model, color, and tax/insurance renewal date.

    A key benefit of the e-Plate is that the tag provides an encrypted and
    secure ID code which is registered in the Ministry of Transport's
    database. This code prevents tampering, cloning, or other forms of fraud
    that happen with current camera-based systems. Additionally, the e-Plate
    is designed to shatter if anyone tries to remove or otherwise tamper with
    it, and the tag can be programmed to transmit a warning if any attempt is
    made to dislodge the plate.
    tallbloke, Jun 10, 2005
  8. tallbloke

    Champ Guest

    I don't doubt the technology exists. But you are being a little
    tinker for suggesting that it's already being rolled out.
    Champ, Jun 10, 2005
  9. tallbloke

    Muck Guest

    That does paint quite a grim picture of the future indeed, not one I
    want to be part of.

    The GPS bit you can knock out without even touching the box the receiver
    is in. Would that do any good, considering that it could be done on a
    large scale.
    Muck, Jun 10, 2005
  10. tallbloke

    Eiron Guest

    No chips, just corruption in high places, and the machines are leased:

    Eiron, Jun 10, 2005
  11. tallbloke

    tallbloke Guest

    I predicted that the rfid embedded plate would become an MOT requirement
    within 6 years. And it's well known that Dear Darling's GPS wheeze is
    projected to be deployed in around 10 years. So how you get from there to
    me suggesting that it's 'already being rolled out' I don't know.

    What I do know is that unless public awarenes is raised well in advance,
    then it'll slip in under the radar in a few years and it'll be too late to
    oppose it.

    I may be a paranoid delusional, but at least I'm a public spirited
    libertarian paranoid delusional...
    tallbloke, Jun 10, 2005
  12. tallbloke

    TOG Guest


    "And I'm a Norton-loving public spirited libertarian paranoid
    TOG, Jun 10, 2005
  13. tallbloke

    Pip Guest

    Well, you have to remember who you're dealing with here. This poster
    is apparently a congenital idiot - he can't spell, but won't use a
    spellchecker. His lack of ability on the spelling front even extends
    to the POS attrib line to which you have drawn attention - even though
    it has been pointed out to him, he persists with it. While you're in
    the mood - look at the other end of his posts - apart from the
    particularly squirm-making sig, he appends his bloody initials to most
    of his posts - above the sig sep.

    As to today's evidence - he has a tiny ticking around his brakes (or
    was it breaks) which he seems to be positively hysterical about -
    well, I would be if I had the only Bandit in existence with
    cable-operated brakes. He's a twat: k/f and move on, as it were.
    Pip, Jun 10, 2005
  14. tallbloke

    Muck Guest

    GPS doesn't work on a magnetic field, it's radio based, but doesn't work
    like a normal radio. So any device that can knock out the GPS signal,
    would also have to be radio based... but... the components needed may
    not be available for general use. I'm not talking about frying a chip,
    more of electronic counter measures.
    Muck, Jun 10, 2005
  15. tallbloke

    Ben Blaney Guest

    These are not facts. That's George W. Bush's trick - to keep
    repeating something until it's taken as truth.

    Please don't be so hysterical.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 10, 2005
  16. tallbloke

    tallbloke Guest

    Which is why I prefaced my prediction with the word prediction.
    Please follow your own advice
    tallbloke, Jun 10, 2005
  17. tallbloke

    tallbloke Guest

    You leave Gods own marque out of this.
    tallbloke, Jun 10, 2005
  18. tallbloke

    'Hog Guest

    RoI plates

    'Hog, Jun 10, 2005
  19. Yep.


    Ignoring the Plod who got a bio-record chip, there's an interesting
    mention of a company that's set up to chip everybody when the time
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 10, 2005
  20. tallbloke

    frag Guest

    Muck scribbled:
    I think Nidge was thinking of EMP and frying chips.

    And talking of chips... time for my Northern Scum tea...
    frag, Jun 10, 2005
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