Reviving dormant Ducati

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ts, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. ts

    ts Guest

    After Christmas, I possibly only let the starter motor run a second or
    two, to rotate the newly fitted belts.

    So, it most likely didn't run by itself since around mid-November. Is it
    then normal to expect it to be a bugger to start now?

    After a couple of rounds of / starting attempt / plugs out / drying &
    heating plugs / plugs in / I seem to conclude that the way to go is max
    choke, no throttle, keep the starter spinning whilst praying to the
    Ducati God that it eventually will catch, before the (newish) battery
    goes flat.

    Or - ?
    ts, Mar 10, 2010
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  2. Mine is distinctly reluctant in winter after a mouple of months of
    inaction, which is why I try to run it up every month or so.

    A jump-start off the car plus, in extremis, a blowlamp on the plugs
    always starts it, though.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 11, 2010
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  3. ts

    YTC#1 Guest

    Yes, I did tell you about that trait, therefore it was easier to run it
    every 2 weeks for about 10 mins.
    A small amount of time on full choke, then 1/2.
    If it does not fire after a couple of mins, leave it, go and have a cup of
    tea. Take the front plug out and clean it.

    Replace plug, repeat above.

    After 30 mins of the cycle, put battery back on trickle charge and leave
    it until the next day.
    YTC#1, Mar 11, 2010
  4. ts

    YTC#1 Guest

    I was never been tempted to jumpstart it. I had to learn patient after the
    1st time. But yes, warm plugs help.

    I also kept a spare to swap in, I am sure that was under the seat when TS
    picked it up.
    YTC#1, Mar 11, 2010
  5. ts

    Ace Guest

    So what's your objection to jump-starting it then?
    Ace, Mar 11, 2010
  6. ts

    YTC#1 Guest

    Shifting the car, moving it out the garage, arsing around and then worry
    that someone will have the bright idea of turning the car motor on.

    I did consider hooking it to the XJR or the XJ900, but again, couldn't be
    YTC#1, Mar 11, 2010
  7. ts

    Ace Guest

    Eh? I've always considered that having the donor vehicle's engine
    running was a prerequisite.
    Ace, Mar 11, 2010
  8. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Mark Olson
    No it's fine, so long as the off-side of the car is nearest the
    Westernmost point of the motorcycle.

    Well, in the Northern Hemisphere anyway.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 11, 2010
  9. ts

    Ace Guest

    Is that West wrt the car or the motorbike?
    Ace, Mar 11, 2010
  10. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Ace
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 11, 2010
  11. ts

    Ace Guest

    Thanks, I'm glad that's clear.

    But what happens if it's a Southern Hemisphere car, or bike, or both?
    Ace, Mar 11, 2010
  12. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Ace
    I think I can demystify the whole Northern / Southern hemisphere thing,
    and cut through any potential confusion with the simple question: "Who
    cares about the Southern Hemisphere?".
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 11, 2010
  13. ts

    ts Guest

    Yes, I'll have to adjust to that, as long as the SS has me.
    Hopefully that won't be necessary, if it allowed to purr for a while
    evry month, then.
    ts, Mar 11, 2010
  14. ts

    Ben Guest

    I had my Bandit jump started by the AA patrolman's flatbed lorry the
    other day. At my request I add. Doesn't appear to have done it any
    Ben, Mar 11, 2010
  15. ts

    ts Guest


    Yes, nice & shiny NGKs.
    ts, Mar 11, 2010
  16. ts

    ts Guest

    Yup, already there. More like 27 ft, at halfways between the garage and
    ts, Mar 11, 2010
  17. ts

    ts Guest

    (fishing out faint memories) . . , yes. I defaulted back to my winter
    lay-up SOP, which is to change the oil and leave alone to not drain the
    Thanks. I should have thought back on my XL600, which was easy to start
    with _exactly_ the right amount of choke, but would leave you sweaty &
    panting[1] if it got marginally too much.
    I think I'll leave the battery disconnected and roll it over to the car
    for the monthly purring sessions.

    [1]Kick start only
    ts, Mar 11, 2010
  18. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, R C Nesbit
    Don't be ridiculous.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 11, 2010
  19. ts

    YTC#1 Guest

    Which is what I am also led to believe, and I don't want to test the
    YTC#1, Mar 12, 2010
  20. ts

    YTC#1 Guest

    Karma :)
    YTC#1, Mar 12, 2010
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