Reviving a battery

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by PZ 1, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. PZ 1

    oldgeezer Guest

    The Older Gentleman schreef:
    This discussion is way out of line Older Gentleman, but I like to
    contemplate about it, so........

    Been counting my house; 6 rooms, a bathroom, 2 toilets, an entry hall.
    I counted 42 standard bulbs, 2 energy saving bulbs, and 2 TL (Tele
    Lumiere, the long pipes).
    Both TL are in the kitchen. They came as part of the cupboard in it.
    One energy_saving is in the bathroom. Reason: There only is one
    appliance there, and I wanted lots of light (equivalent of 100Watt)
    without burning out the appliance it sits in.
    The other energy saving one is besides the front door .
    Reason: It is "on' most of the day and all of the night.

    Even though energy in the Netherlands is expensive: I only have
    4 energy_savers.
    Consumers, (you, I, and everybody else) are a funny bunch.
    Why don't I buy 42 cost_effective bulbs? I tell you why I don't:
    My wife does not like the 'color'. I even have two old fashioned
    'carbon filament' bulbs, like good old Mr. Edison invented.
    They consume 100 Watts, dissipate that mostly as heat, but give
    a nice 'warm' brown glow. My wife likes that.

    In the seventies (previous century), I worked for a company
    named Philips. I was close to the place where they invented a
    thing they named 'video LP'. A shiny plate, the size of a long
    playing record, that held a complete movie.
    Nobody bought the thing, so the project was stopped, and
    Philips decided to shrink that shiny disk into a smaller size
    and let it contain music.
    I don't need to tell you that that disc became a big success.
    They named it CD.
    And now half the world buys movies on a thing they
    call DVD.

    Bringing this all back to Why do people
    buy an overly expensive Harley? Because it is the
    best bike in the world? I don't think so. There are many
    other reasons why people buy it. Maybe because (I think
    Chateauy Murray said this), it makes a lot of noise,
    or: 'It makes me part of a group', or.... any other reason
    that has nothing to do with quality.

    So I sort of demolish my own statement: 'consumers
    won't buy batteries that last longer but cost more'.
    It seems consumers are unpredictable[1].

    Some personal questions here, please answer that to my
    email address:
    About ten years ago I read this discussion group on
    a daily basis while I was at work. Then got laid off and
    only recently rediscovered questions did not change much over the
    years, 'My bike does bang, please help' and 'My battery is
    dead, what should I do?'. But 10 years ago there were three
    main players in the group. Somebody named 'Chateau
    Murray', one named 'Flying booger' an one I forgot the
    nickname of, that was pretty negative. The latter one
    seems to have disappeared now.
    CM, OG, and FB all seemed to know what they were
    talking about. They still do...

    Questions: Are Chateau Murray and The Older Gentleman
    one and the same?
    I know what a PANTHER is, a SALIRA is, an ARDIE is,
    a TRIUMPH is and what many more are. Been on all of them,
    even on a HD vintage 1927 (one cylinder) but what the
    #$%^&* are a GAGARPHOF#30 and a BOTAFOT#60?
    And what are 'the bells?'

    [1] I am.

    oldgeezer, Aug 23, 2006
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  2. Yes.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 23, 2006
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  3. PZ 1

    oldgeezer Guest

    The Older Gentleman schreef:
    Man, this feels like coming home after many years and meeting
    old friends again.

    The last time I sat on a Trophy is about half a century ago. It was
    blueish/grayish, had sort of aluminium mark 'Triumph' on both sides
    of the tank, and was not mine.
    But a devastating piece of machinery.
    Yet, my dad wanted to own a Velocette Vincent and a Gilera once
    in his lifetime. That never happened.

    I still don't know what a GAGARPHOF#30 is. Russian maybe?

    oldgeezer, Aug 24, 2006
  4. Ah, well this one is a 2001 Hinckley model....

    Great And Glorious Anal Retentive Pedant Hall Of Fame. Awarded by Dan
    Nitschke, many mons ago. I'm rather fond of it.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 24, 2006
  5. PZ 1

    V Guest

    My belief of X-12 is that it was a solution of good ole Arm & Hammer Baking
    Soda and distilled water. If my memory serves me correctly, some of the old
    timers in the neighborhood used to pour A&H into the cells and let it sit
    overnight. They'd pour out the solution, along with lots of gunk (into an
    empty lot of course) and then re-fill the cells with fresh acid. This would
    work on lead plates since it didn't harm the lead plates and remove only the
    sulfation. Who knows?
    Hell, for about $50 you should buy a new battery -- and don't let it sit for
    two years.
    V, Sep 2, 2006
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