Of a sort anyway. Well I`m thoroughly dissappointed in one way yet pleased in another.We tested the bikes yesterday at a very busy RWYB at Pod (loads of fuelers and the rocket car testing proir to the coming weekends big easter event,plus the track was down for 45minutes due to a big spillage near the 1000ft mark) and only managed to get three runs in each which is`nt nearly enough to work out what mods/improvements are needed. I expected Dave to run high 15`s and me to run low 17`s maybe a high 16. We were crap! Dave`s best of three was 16.9 and my best was a full 1.4 seconds behind at 18.3 :-( Both bikes "seemed" to run well but we could`nt fathom how we were so slow, the last run of last year for Dave was a 16.5 and we fully expected to improve by a second on that time with the new carb and tweeks we did for this year before considering a Malossi 172cc kit. Both bikes are similarly set-up and if we had time for more runs Dave was going to take the blue one up the strip to see if it was a weight thing (me being 3 stone heavier than him) but could`nt. On the up side..mine ran well (if slow) and it was it`s first ever test as it had`nt traveled more than 20yrds before.The carb jetting looks slightly rich but not bad ( I had`nt anticipated the need to go leaner so only bought bigger main jets with me :-/) And most important we had a bloody good laugh and met some nice folk. So...it`s time to think why we took a step backwards from last year on his bike and how to get mine upto a similar time before shelling out/selling out and going to 172cc. -- Petel Buell 02 M2 C90 ZZR Gilera sprinter "Blue Dwarf" Piaggio sprinter "Red Dwarf"