Given that north Wales traffic plod are renowned for their obsession regarding speeding transgressions. I've fancied getting a radar/laser detector for the car for some time. It's even got to the point where my mother who's a community nurse is now getting nervous of some minor transgression! I already have an Ipaq with GPS and TomTom which warns nicely of fixed cameras but wanted the extra cover for mobile cameras. However, as the 5 band Snooper unit I wanted was 199 quid getting two (one for me one for my mother) was a bit painful. Then I found this guy .... The contacts name is Ian Masters. They're flogging them at 79 quid, delivered, instead of the 199 quid! Bit nervy in case it was a scam but Snooper UK comfirmed them as a authorised dealer. So 2 x SD715iS were ordered and delivered ... one is now in my car and seems to work well the other is wrapped as a Xmas pressie. -- Steve Parry K100RS SE F650 (not forgetting the SK90PY)
In apparently they often take two readings ... plus you can pick up scatter ? Dunno really -- Steve Parry K100RS SE F650 (not forgetting the SK90PY)
In I'm not sure they're legal in the UK ? neither are these but I fancy one of those too. -- Steve Parry K100RS SE F650 (not forgetting the SK90PY)
I don't live in the UK. They're certainly illegal here in France [1]. Then again, so is using one's mobile telephone when at the wheel [3], and I reckon that a jamer tucked discretely into the right-hand fairing pocket of a K100 won't attract any attention... [1] <fx: tries hard to remember>Article 226-1 of Penal Code [2].. [2] although I could be wrong.. [3] Article R412-6-1 Code de la Route
I have ordered one, but they say they are out of stock, but they will kindly debit your card now in anticipation of a delivery soon........hmmmmmmmm Finton
<snip> No one lives in the UK we merely survive .... -- Steve Parry K100RS SE F650 (not forgetting the SK90PY)