Result, but what next?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by PeterT, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. PeterT

    PeterT Guest

    As some may remember my bike got smashed up in a car park
    in Essex in June. Finally Essex police provided me with
    the details of the driver and owner of the car. It took them
    only three month. What should I do next? Ask the police to
    prosecute, craft a careful letter to the owner myself or get
    a legal bod to do so? Costs to repair the bike fully were
    set at approx. £1100, I had £500 repairs done to get the bike
    working again. This does not include the time I was without
    any form of transport. Any ideas, pointers, jokes appreciated.
    PeterT, Sep 24, 2004
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  2. PeterT

    wessie Guest

    PeterT emerged from their own little world to say
    I'd get a lawyer onto it. If they were cuntish enough not to volunteer
    their details months ago then they will most likely not be too co-operative

    I'm assuming you did not claim on your insurance and do not want to involve

    However, you may have separate legal cover. If you claim on that policy it
    will not count as a claim on your bike insurance so no loss of NCB.

    Alternatively, some on here have used Rider Support who will review your case and take
    action if they think you will win.
    wessie, Sep 24, 2004
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  3. PeterT

    PeterT Guest

    That was on my mind too.

    More or less my thought, as it would be a bit of a pian, as the insurance
    is in Germany, and only TPFT anyway.

    Worth looking into, ta.

    I doubt the ambulance chasers will be interested, as nobody was sitting on
    the bike when it was hit.
    PeterT, Sep 24, 2004
  4. PeterT

    Preston Kemp Guest

    Contact the culprit & tell them you'll drop the criminal damage charges
    if they pay you £1500 to cover the cost of repairs & out of pocket
    expenses? It might scare them into parting with the cash.
    Preston Kemp, Sep 24, 2004
  5. PeterT

    MattG Guest

    PeterT says...
    I'd give them a call anyway, IIWY. They're not quite ambulance chasers,
    they dealt with my claim, and that of others round here very well.
    Although, they did make an arse of Petrolcan's claim.
    MattG, Sep 24, 2004
  6. PeterT

    PeterT Guest

    I'll have a browse and think of it I suppose.
    PeterT, Sep 24, 2004
  7. PeterT

    PeterT Guest

    Preston Kemp
    I would consider it worth a try if I didn't have the sneaky feeling
    that I'd be waiting a long time for that money, and I don't know if it's
    legal anyway?
    PeterT, Sep 24, 2004
  8. PeterT

    petrolcan Guest

    the cont known as MattG says...
    I won't be using them for my next crash.
    petrolcan, Sep 24, 2004
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