Repeat.. Repeat.. Repeat

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    As Beemer has already posted.. our village idiots in Austin are at it
    again.. John Caronna of Dallas is chairing the committee that will
    hear the Helmet Bill that he's proposed..

    The hearing will be at 7:30 AM on the 11th.. That's a Wednesday, if
    I'm not mistaken.. This is a bad Bill and it increases law enforcement
    scrutiny of all of us, unless we are wearing the bucket..

    The insurance requirements are more stringent and costly.. as well..

    Whether or not you wear the helmet is beside the point.. Big Brother
    is again telling grown men and women, of sound mind and body, that
    they must comply with legislation that trespass on personal choice..

    John Caronna is the worst kind of example of a State Representative
    that I know.. How he keeps getting elected is beyond me.. You can
    bet your boots that this Bill doesn't represent the best interests of his
    constituents, and that his agenda is bought and paid for by special
    interests, like the Insurance lobbies..

    As his Trans Texas Corridor Bill, this one will likely be skidded around
    the State Capitol .. times of the hearing changed, etc. etc., in order for
    him to skirt the opposition to the Bill ..

    If you are interested .. you might visit Austin and the Capitol on the day
    of the meeting.. Representatives from various motorcycle advocacy
    groups will be delighted to have your personal support .. It might not be
    possible to be there, but.. a simple telephone call to the Committee
    members would be more convenient for you.. Anyone who'd like more
    contact information about the Committee members can contact me and
    I'll be glad to pass it on..

    This is an important Bill and unless action is taken to rein in John Caronna
    he'll likely get this measure passed.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 9, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    redshad Guest

    I am guessing that you and Mike Alvey and Elmer will be riding to
    Austin Wednesday? The weather should be good for it. I have to work
    Wednesday..well unless theres a road trip planned and I might..just
    might can slip out of here..he he he.

    redshad, Apr 9, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    redshad Guest

    I am off on Wednesday...We going??

    redshad, Apr 10, 2007
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