Right, now this is *really* getting on my tits. When removing the old rusty exhaust from my project ST70 Dax, the header snapped off leaving the stub still in the manifold in the cylinder head. It's like a steel tube, maybe an inch or so in diameter, and it's just a push fit in the head. It's snapped off flush, although there *is* a small cutaway where you can get a punch or flat blade onto it. You can't get jaws or anything like that onto it, though. And it's seized absolutely solid. I've had a blowlamp on it for 15 minutes, got it as hot as poss, put a hammer and punch on it and tried to knock it around to free it, tried to shock it, as it were, but I cannot shfit the fecker. I have heard of these buggers being so appallingly stuck that a replacement cylinder head is the only answer! But I don't wan to spend ukp90 on that avenue. Has anyone got any ideas as to how to get the *bastard* thing out?