Reminds me

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    This last ride report from our friend Big Ed, describes his encounter
    with one of the big birds of Texas, the buzzard.. I'm reminded of the
    event several years past, when Brian and I had made one helluva nice
    ride out into West Texas Hill country.. We'd spent the weekend roam-
    ing all those wonderful and exciting back roads and had commenced
    our swing back towards home..

    We were on a two lane blacktop and hadn't seen another vehicle for
    a long time, when we rounded a slight curve and there about one
    quarter of a mile in front of us, was a group of those buzzard creatures
    feeding on a deer carcass..

    As we approached, me being in the lead.. those buzzards commenced
    to abandon the carcass and fly off.. Looked like the scene had been
    well rehearsed and all those birds took off from the left and right sides
    of the highway..

    One of them, however.. wasn't ready to give up his meal and he kind of
    crouched in what I assumed was his attack mode, as he looked direct-
    ly at me coming towards him.. That sucker was sitting on top of that car-
    cass, like he was daring me to challenge him..

    We were doing about 85 mph, with me in the lead, and as we got clos-
    er, that damned buzzard was getting more and more agitated.. Evident-
    ly, he finally decided he'd take his fight to the source, when we were
    probably less that fifty feet from him.. Still looking directly at me, that
    damned buzzard took off like a rocket.. headed right for me and low
    enough to do some serious damage.. The thought going through my
    mind was.. "this sumbitch is going to take me out"..

    You can believe that I was doing some serious tank hugging when that
    thing flew over me.. He cleared the windshield on this Green Vulcan, by
    about six inches or less.. I think I could smell the bastard.. All of it
    ened in a flash, but I bet that buzzard had a wingspan of more than six
    feet.. He was huge and looked even bigger to my panic stricken eyes..

    I don't recommend that anyone challenge a west Texas buzzard for his

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 24, 2007
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