Tip #285 Always remember which bike you are riding. I own two SOBs. A Kawasaki GPZ305 and a Honda CX500. The stopping power of the front brake on the CX500s is legendary.....on account of the fact that it is minimal. The stopping power of the front brake on a GPZ305 on the other hand is phenomenal. Riding to work today on the GPZ305 doing 30mph in traffic when the car in front does an emergency stop (some tosser in front of her decided to brake hard due to nearly overshooting his turnoff). As I have been riding the CX500 quite a bit recently I instinctively grabbed a BIG right handfull. As I was on the GPZ305 the result was not what I expected. Instead of grinding slowly to a halt in the accustomed CX500 style, the front wheel promptly locked up causing the back end to swing round. By the time I realised it was too late - I had stopped, but sideways-on and at too much of an angle. The bike fell over and thanks to the folding footrest my right foot got squashed. Nothing broken but VERY painful. The bike only suffered a broken mirror glass, probably because my foot and right leg prevented the rest of it from actually making much contact with the road. However, the major damage was to my pride - a 0mph binning of a SOB in front of a crowd of curious onlookers was mega embarrassing. Tony