Religion, the cure for all ills?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mike Barnard, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. Mike Barnard

    Mike Barnard Guest

    Except this time it failed.

    My wife has been (and still is) very ill. If I had sat and prayed
    instead of calling an ambulance then she would be dead, our son would
    have no mother.

    It makes me so angry to see people still thinking an invisible pixie
    (tm someone on this group) will cure your loved ones. Minor rant
    Mike Barnard, Aug 2, 2009
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  2. Mike Barnard

    RichardA Guest

    I had a go at a group of JW's about their stance on refusing blood
    tranfusions. IMO as adults they could make that decision if it was
    them that needed the transfusion. But I felt it totally wrong for them
    to refuse a life-saving transfusion for their children.

    BOTAFOT #138, YTC#18, OMF#12

    Email-remove insult to reply
    RichardA, Aug 2, 2009
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  3. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Mike Barnard

    "Think of it as evolution in action"

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate
    change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and
    go and talk to the Catholics.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Aug 2, 2009
  4. Mike Barnard

    Colin Irvine Guest

    I think trying to persuade any parent to apply to their children any
    ethics other than their own is a complete and utter waste of time.

    Of course, wasting a JW's time is a good thing to the extent that it
    relieves some other poor sod of the tedium of meeting them.
    Colin Irvine, Aug 2, 2009
  5. Mike Barnard

    Mike Barnard Guest

    If only it worked that way. There seems to be more 'belivers' in
    various religions now than ever.
    Mike Barnard, Aug 2, 2009
  6. Mike Barnard

    Shaun Guest

    It makes me angry that someone who actually cared for their child
    (albeit in a misguided way) faces a longer jail term than if they had
    stabbed them to death.
    Shaun, Aug 2, 2009
  7. Mike Barnard

    RichardA Guest

    You are right. This group did however have a child with them and I'd
    like to think I'd planted some seed of doubt into their mind.
    I like to think of myself as a community-minded person :)

    BOTAFOT #138, YTC#18, OMF#12

    Email-remove insult to reply
    RichardA, Aug 2, 2009
  8. Mike Barnard

    Ace Guest

    Err, 25 years < life.
    Ace, Aug 2, 2009
  9. Mike Barnard

    BGN Guest

    Stabbing a child to death is generally a heat of the moment thing and
    isn't premeditated.

    Watching your child die over the course of a several days and only
    phoning an ambulance after they have stopped breathing is something
    they would have had to have decided to do and had DAYS to correct
    before it was too late.

    What all of these religious nutters don't think about is that their
    chosen god or whatever let Jesus, their only son, die. Jesus died for
    ALL of us, even the baddies. As Jesus did this then nomatter how shit
    someone is on earth hell is an empty place as Jesus saves all.
    Therefore if they had phoned an ambulance against the wishes of their
    church in the end they would still have been saved by the Lord in the

    That's what I generally say to nutters, anyway.
    BGN, Aug 2, 2009
  10. Mike Barnard

    Higgins Guest

    Certainly the case across the Atlantic. Over there on hols last week, I
    was reading an article on how difficult it is to be openly atheist. It
    seemed that there would be greater acceptance of being a self-declared

    Reading some of the press coverage of this case, it looked like there
    were genuine questions about the likelihood and appropriateness of

    The mind genuinely boggles.
    Higgins, Aug 2, 2009
  11. Mike Barnard

    Higgins Guest

    "Hey buddy, we're Christians, we don't like what you said."
    "Then forgive me".
    Higgins, Aug 2, 2009
  12. Mike Barnard

    Cab Guest

    One of my colleagues in a past job was a JW. She gave birth to a girl who was
    incredibly ill. The docs told her that her daughter needed an operation to
    increase her chances of survival. Torn between her beliefs and medical advice,
    she gave permission but her daughter still died.

    She now believes that she's being punished by God for going against her
    Cab, Aug 2, 2009
  13. Mike Barnard

    ginge Guest

    AFAIK there's nothing against their beliefs with regards having
    surgery, other than recieving blood, or products related to blood. One
    of my schoolfriends was JW, and died following a car crash for exactly
    that reason.
    ginge, Aug 2, 2009
  14. Mike Barnard

    wessie Guest

    Justin Webb, writing his last article as the BBC's US Editor referred
    to this case under the sub-heading, "Stone-Age superstitions"
    wessie, Aug 2, 2009
  15. I don't really give a ****. No-one I know would be that stupid, and
    anyone I don't know, I don't care about.
    vulgarandmischevious, Aug 2, 2009
  16. Mike Barnard

    Eiron Guest

    If my wife came home to find me unable to call an ambulance and likely to die without medical
    attention she wouldn't just pray, she would go out again for a couple of hours to make sure.
    After all, God helps those who help themselves. :)
    Eiron, Aug 2, 2009
  17. Mike Barnard

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Sad? Pathetic is a better word.

    Any JW denying a relative a blood transfusion should be charged with
    manslaughter if the person dies.
    Andy Bonwick, Aug 2, 2009
  18. When I saw 'americas' in the url I immediately thought it would be some
    superstitious peasant type in the Andes. But no, it was some
    superstitious peasant type in Wisconsin.
    I wasn't suprised all that much, tbh. These inbred, useless, stupid
    bastards exist everywhere.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Aug 2, 2009
  19. Mike Barnard

    Beav Guest

    Diabetes take a little longer to kill than a simple stabbing and would be
    incredibly painful. I say **** the lot of them in both eyes for denying the
    kid treatment. No blood products need be used to treat T1 diabetes, so THAT
    argument is fucked.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Aug 3, 2009
  20. Mike Barnard

    Ace Guest

    ****. Poor sod.
    Keep plugging away, at the daughter, I mean, not the mum. Hopefully
    she'll see sense once she's old enough to make her own mind up.

    One of my brothers is married to a veggie and their two kids have
    never been fed meat. The girl is a stick-thin, pasty-looking specimen,
    and really looks like she could do with a good meal. could be
    coincidence of course. The lad, just like his dad, will take any
    opportunity, when not with mum, to eat meat, especially McDonalds and
    the like. Which is sad, but not as sad as not eating meat.
    Ace, Aug 3, 2009
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