reg plates?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by steve auvache, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. What is the deal if you need a new one[1] these days.

    I have to take a certified dna sample or something if I want a new one?

    [1] Some scrote[2] broke the front one on Snowflake in half.

    [2] It must've been either a scrote or a tow ball as the plate is well
    behind the line of the front bumper.
    steve auvache, Apr 1, 2004
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  2. In, steve auvache said:
    V5 and relevant docs to a plate maker.
    Nope. If you don't have a V5 you can buy one of the many show plates
    that are sold nationwide.

    <snip scrotery>
    Whinging Courier, Apr 1, 2004
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  3. V5 and proof of identity iirc.
    Doesnotcompute, Apr 1, 2004
  4. Doesnotcompute wrote
    Right, ta.
    steve auvache, Apr 1, 2004
  5. steve auvache

    Mark W Guest

    No one seems to be inforcing this. There's a plate place at my local
    market, all you need is the cash and the ability to remember the
    number plate.
    Mark W, Apr 1, 2004
  6. Mark W wrote:

    rubbish. try getting anumber plate out of halfords without said documents.
    Doesnotcompute, Apr 1, 2004
  7. steve auvache

    Pip Guest

    All the bike places (and motor factors) round here are as keen as
    ****, the conformist bastards. You can't even buy stick-on plates,
    nor even the self-adhesive digits any more, the cunts.
    Pip, Apr 1, 2004
  8. steve auvache

    Stritchy Guest

    Conform or lose your licence to make them. It's not worth the aggro to
    make 'illegal' plates

    You can still get stick-on letters, if you know the right place
    <coughStNeotscough> to shop!
    Stritchy, Apr 1, 2004
  9. steve auvache

    Pip Guest

    Worserer than that - the boy in Biker's Den told me that their records
    can be examined by The Men From The Ministry at any time, and if they
    don't all tally, then the establishmant could lose their leave to have
    unregistered (brand new) bikes in the showroom. That would **** them
    right over, having to register every bike and then try to sell them -
    so they comply.

    Draconian, not?
    Fucking excellent.

    I need ... no, hang on, I'll get back to you ;-)
    Pip, Apr 1, 2004
  10. You can get self-adhesive digits* at B&Q - they are a reasonable
    size and font.

    Maybe you can still get stick-on plates at a caravan equipment shop.
    The last time I bought a "trailer board" it had one.
    Old Fart at Play, Apr 1, 2004
  11. steve auvache

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Pip was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Na, it's all so terrorists don't buy bikes, right?
    Timo Geusch, Apr 1, 2004
  12. steve auvache

    DangerScouse Guest

    Doesnotcompute says...
    Oh, not really rubbish. Depends who you know.

    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18

    Un-cork me to reply
    DangerScouse, Apr 2, 2004
  13. steve auvache

    Pip Guest

    I bought a self-sticky plate and digits for my trailer a few weeks ago
    - when I went back for another the other day, they'd had an edict that
    stopped trade in them a few days before.
    Pip, Apr 2, 2004
  14. steve auvache

    sweller Guest

    A sign makers may be able to laser cut you the digits to appropriate size
    for you.
    sweller, Apr 2, 2004
  15. steve auvache

    darsy Guest

    darsy, Apr 2, 2004
  16. steve auvache

    ogden Guest

    If only we knew someone who could produce a near-endless supply of
    custom-made plastic stickers.
    ogden, Apr 2, 2004
  17. steve auvache

    Mark W Guest

    OK I'll admit "no one seems to be inforcing this" is maybe not quite
    right, but there seems to be plenty who aren't. I got mine last Autumn
    and had NO proof of ownership, address etc , just handed over (~£15
    IIRC) and it came through the post about 4 days later.

    Mark W, Apr 2, 2004
  18. steve auvache

    Pip Guest

    You know, that would be so handy - especially if they could do them in
    Pip, Apr 2, 2004
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