I don't think traffic citations are viewed as only a revenue stream either. But, I would be very interested to see how much enthus- iasm was retained if city/counties/states were suddenly ordered to remit these fines to the feds, for distribution like highway funds. Other than the obvious, greed, I've never understood why traffic fine revenue is not used for street repair, and other more related purposes. I would think that school zone offense fines could easily pay for crossing personnel and other similar needs. Additionally, other than the traditional - "what the market will bear", what determines the amounts of these fines, anyway? I'm still wait- ing for the city dolts and others in the SUV envy category to grad-uate the fines based on the vehicle size driven. You breeze through a school zone at 60 in an 18 wheeler, the fine is ,500. Do it on a bike, and it costs </body>.50. <g> Thanks - Gary