Recommened roads?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by elziko, Feb 17, 2004.

  1. elziko

    elziko Guest

    Planning a french trip from the north coats to south coast. So far I have
    decided to do:

    Le Harvre -> Loire Valley -> Massif Central -> South Coast (Nr. Montpelier)

    Can anyone recommend any decent twisty roads in the Loire Valley or Massif
    Central regions?
    elziko, Feb 17, 2004
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  2. elziko

    Pip Guest

    Have you looked on a map? (Serious question, with a purpose).
    Pip, Feb 17, 2004
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  3. elziko

    elziko Guest

    Have you looked on a map? (Serious question, with a purpose).

    What sort of answer do you want to that? Some roads have tarmac in good
    condition, some dont. Some roads are more congested than others. I was only
    asking anyone who wants to recommend any particular roads. Last time I went
    touring (Pyrenees) I looked on a map and found lots of 'twisty' roads. Some
    were good some not so good... but I only know because I've actually RIDDEN
    elziko, Feb 17, 2004
  4. elziko

    elziko Guest

    Thanks for that I'll take a look!
    elziko, Feb 17, 2004
  5. elziko

    Pip Guest

    One with some attributions would be a good start.
    OIC. Don't get yer hair off, I asked because I belive that the proper
    Michelin maps have the scenic (twisty) roads outlined in ... umm ...
    green, I think. That outlining may provide a good guide to the nicer
    roads, see?

    If you had wanted a report on the surface quality or amount of traffic
    using them, well, that's a different thing entirely. Have you tried
    Des's mates on
    Pip, Feb 17, 2004
  6. elziko

    elziko Guest

    OIC. Don't get yer hair off, I asked because I belive that the proper
    Thanks... the Michelin maps sound useful and sorry for not understanding the
    point you were trying to make in your post.
    elziko, Feb 17, 2004
  7. elziko

    Champ Guest

    The Loire Valley doesn't have any particularly interesting roads, in
    my experience, tho it's pleasant enough.

    The Massif Central, however, is absolutely fantastic. You can hardly
    cross it, in any direction, without covering incredible roads. Make
    sure your itinerary goes via Le Puy, in the massif - I've had some
    great days around there.
    Champ, Feb 17, 2004
  8. elziko

    Mark Wales Guest

    Agree 100% with what Champ says. Also around Le Vigan / St Affrique
    (sp?) / Rodez further south is excellent.
    If you do go out and about around Le Puy (excellent roads) keep your
    eyes out for some plastic off my toe sliders, and blue fiberglass off
    my ZX-9 :(

    Mark Wales, Feb 18, 2004
  9. elziko

    Champ Guest

    Why thank you.
    And I can return the complement - Rodez and environs has excellent
    Champ, Feb 18, 2004
  10. elziko

    wessie Guest

    The road that climbs near to the top of Le Puy de Dome [1] is great fun

    Even the autoroute south of Clermont Ferrand has some seriously good

    [1] off D68 west of Clermont Ferrand
    wessie, Feb 18, 2004
  11. elziko

    Mark W Guest

    and from what I remember, only open to bikes & buses!!

    It's the road to the top of an old volcano for those of you who
    haven't done it.

    Mark W, Feb 20, 2004
  12. elziko

    Mark Olson Guest

    And even though it sounds such an improbable state of affairs that
    it couldn't possibly be true, it's also the road to the top of an
    old volcano for those who have done it.
    Mark Olson, Feb 21, 2004
  13. elziko

    Pip Guest

    Whilst it may not specifically cover the areas you mention, this site
    is well worth a look, as is their discussion on and comparison of maps
    to refer to:

    Oh, and don't miss out on the videos ...
    Pip, Feb 24, 2004
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