The VN is close to needing a sevice - being an import, is actually reading kph with a mph overlay - given that it is at about 5400 km its not quite due for the 4k miles service but close. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on a Kawasaki dealer in Warks area that was good value and effective? I am not too sure whether "skimping" (I don't really believe this is the case having done a lot of my own work) by doing it myself is worthwhile - more for the service stamp point of view ( I didn't let the fact the very careful owner changed oil and filter himself stop me from obtaining the bike though). In my area the major bike distributors are Frettons, Nightingales and Drayton Croft but I'd equally take it to a reputable small factor? According to the service chart - at 4k it's due:- Spark plug clean and gap Air Suction Valve Brake Light Switch Check Brake Pad Wear Check Brake Fluid Level Check Clutch Adjust Steering Check Drive Chain Wear Check Spoke Tightness and Rim Runout Check Tyre Wear Check Engine Oil Change *most of this is within my capabilties with a Haynes or similar (except maybe rim-runout to any accurate level - and maybe I shouldn't really go into spoke tightness either - but seeing as I just managing to true my really wobbly cycle wheel I'm not that bad) The other thing thats bothering me is what could be related to the drivechain or engine - a sort of thrum - thrum - thrum - noise that doesn't really speed up or slow down much but can be noticed most around 25-40mph I think[1]. A little disconcerting especially if its from the engine - so I might be best to have it down a dealers anyway to take a look. Also I was thinking of getting a scottoiler like Playpus for the chain anyway - I don't think the chain has seen that much wear BUT its a little dry and might be contributing to the problem above *[1]. Cheers Antoine VN800 Drifter Skoda Fabia Classic in "Skip" camouflage