Recommend a magazine

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by Newt Bridges, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Newt Bridges

    Newt Bridges Guest


    Which magazine covers "classic MC" the best:

    Real Classic?
    The Classic Motorcycle?

    I would prefer a magazine that also covers non-British bikes... I've
    bought two old Real Classic magazines, and they were good, although a
    bit thin on the articles I bought them four, of course.
    Newt Bridges, Dec 7, 2008
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  2. Old Brit Shit. Plus a very small amount of Italian and Jap.
    Old Brit Shit.
    Classic & Motorcycle Mechanics. Mostly old Jap and Italian.
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 7, 2008
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