Recommend a BMWDealer?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Grump, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Grump

    JL Guest

    What's to envy ?
    And you'd be different to any other citizen in a developed country how
    exactly ? Were you under the impression they only have houses and
    universities in the US ?
    Good for you, shame most of your compatriots don't. What's the US
    national debt again ? 3 *TRILLION* dollars I think ?
    It's interesting how you blindly extrapolate "wouldn't want to live
    there" to "hating the USA" big assumption there m'lad.

    Been there a couple of dozen times at least (without pulling my
    passport out and counting). I don't hate the US. Wouldn't live there
    in a million years though (despite several job offers that included a
    I'll bet you can count on one hand the countries you've been to
    outside the US, and they're probably Mexico, Canada and a couple of
    Caribbean countries who are all but part of the US anyway. Right ?

    Sorry, but contrary to the self satisfied American smugness, the whole
    world DOESNT want to live there. Who would want to live in a country
    chock full of bible hugging gun carrying rednecks ? The two parts of
    your country that most Americans disavow as not being "the real
    America" are the only two parts of the country worth a bent dime (NYC
    and California)
    Yeah so did you, and.. ?

    (Atec is that you ?)
    JL, Dec 31, 2007
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  2. Grump

    Toosmoky Guest

    I met some people in Mandurah who knew the bloke in Townsville who made
    my saddlebags.
    Toosmoky, Dec 31, 2007
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  3. Grump

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Point proved. Thanks Doug.

    Theo :)
    Theo Bekkers, Dec 31, 2007
  4. In on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 18:06:37 -0800 (PST)
    What, you don't live in a humpy, and recite lessons in the open air?

    (I've lived in a 3 sided shed, does that count?)
    But how much of that is importing oil and selling it cheap? And how
    much is in Chinese hands? At least we admit we are owned by others :)

    I don't hate the USA. Bits of it have good scenery, other bits of it
    have brilliant scientists and hackers, there are good singers and
    painters and some stunning buildings.

    But live there? Umm... well Skud and MikZ seem to manage, and Mum
    loved her time in Chicago, but "the Paraguay skies and the nights so
    cold, you can forsake your country and lose your soul" some how I
    think I'd not be happy there.

    I might want to stay in Canada, as long as it was in the bits where it
    didn't snow that often. I could possibly stay in the UK if I had an
    obscenely high paying job.

    But die to stay in the US? Pull the other one it's got bells on.

    Freedom is one of those words that means what you want it to mean. I
    suspect that I'm freeer in the current Australian climate than anyone
    living under the Patriot Act for example. Freer than anyone living in
    a country that has de-facto religious tests for office in some places.

    But hey, I didn't choose to live in Oz, I just got lucky enough to be
    born here. I suspect the people to ask are the ones who *did*

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 31, 2007
  5. Grump

    Biggus :) Guest

    LMAO! I lived in shitville USA for 12 mths.. fuckin way too long
    so is mine... the point being?

    Well if your that stupid and he cant pay for himself, thats your
    problem. or is it that education is that expensive over there?.
    ROTFLMAO! Try again sucker
    Im not.
    ROTFLMAO! Stop it please, my sides are hurting. Not many countries
    have to send kids to school with bullet proof vests, and have metal
    detectors everywhere.

    No I didnt.. I wasnt born when that happened, so **** off back to
    Biggus :), Dec 31, 2007
  6. Grump

    Biggus :) Guest

    not in California.
    Only the rest of the shithole.
    Biggus :), Dec 31, 2007
  7. Grump

    Biggus :) Guest

    They get to ride without helmets . LMAO!!! No brains to lose.
    Biggus :), Dec 31, 2007
  8. Grump

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Jezuz JL that's a bit harsh!
    Besides the fact that this person is both of reasonable intelligence AND
    seems to have a smidgeon of understanding of the world around him, the
    simple fact that he's literate is the giveaway!!
    Knobdoodle, Dec 31, 2007
  9. Grump

    Dale Porter Guest

    As is the slip-up from "McWideGlide" in a later thread.

    Dale Porter, Dec 31, 2007
  10. Grump

    JL Guest

    Well you should have gone up to the servo on the pacific hwy then. It
    was only a 1.48 yesterday

    (sorry I didn't call in ;-)
    JL, Dec 31, 2007
  11. Grump

    knobdoodle Guest

    Dunno what you're talking about Dale. Ain't no posts from that
    fuckwit on the server.
    knobdoodle, Dec 31, 2007
  12. Grump

    Yeebers Guest

    $1.48 ? Luxury !
    Yeebers, Dec 31, 2007
  13. Grump

    SteveB Guest


    Some people have letterboxes 100km from the house along rough dirt
    roads. You saying the VFR is that good?

    SteveB, Jan 1, 2008
  14. Grump

    Dale Porter Guest

    In the "Female roadrage" thread.


    Dunno what you're talking about Dale. Ain't no posts from that
    fuckwit on the server.
    Dale Porter, Jan 1, 2008
  15. Grump

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I wasn't born here, my parents did the choosing when I was ten. I've spent a
    year in the USA (2 trips), nine months in London, a couple of years in
    Sydney (about five trips), a few months in Melbourne, two months in
    Adelaide, and three weeks in Singapore (2 trips) . Those were living, as in
    getting up to go to a job every morning. I've holidayd in several other
    places and countries, including some of the above. I'm very happy to be
    living in Perth, and even happier I'm not living in the USA.

    (holidayd?holidayed?, holidaid?, Been there for a holiday.)
    Theo Bekkers, Jan 1, 2008
  16. I got back from the States on Monday and in Vegas their "Premium" highest
    octane petrol was 91 Ron.

    Fraser Johnston, Jan 8, 2008
  17. You'll find North America uses the AKI octane rating, not RON. 91-
    octane AKI ~ 95-octane RON. 87-octane AKI ~ 91-octane RON.
    intact.kneeslider, Jan 8, 2008
  18. Grump

    JL Guest

    Yeah what he said, AKI is an average of RON and MON.

    (94 AKI is their premium about 97-98 RON)
    JL, Jan 8, 2008
  19. Grump

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Sort of like your mate MoRon?
    Knobdoodle, Jan 8, 2008
  20. Ahhhhhhhhh. Penny drops. Thanks for that. I was shocked that their cars
    could make any power at all with such shit fuel.

    Fraser Johnston, Jan 21, 2008
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