Rec Rego - Gembrook area busts

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Biggus..., Jan 30, 2005.

  1. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    You got me there, i've only had access for a week,and i've been posting like
    a madman.

    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
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  2. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Got me again.

    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
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  3. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Thanks for pumping me up scrag, i'm only your flange still
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  4. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    If you get laid up in Bendigo Base Triage, ask for me personally, and see
    what i can do for you.
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  5. Biggus...

    TB Guest

    Will do. I know a couple of doctors at the Base

    TB, Feb 1, 2005
  6. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Did you send me a love letter through PINE?
    I tried but my 1200 baud puser wouldn't cope :(
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  7. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Please do......

    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  8. Hello, rodent!
    You wrote on Tue, 1 Feb 2005 22:29:36 +1100:

    r> G-S, i have surfed this usenet group since the early 90's.........i am
    r> pretty well surfed up, but thank's for asking.
    r> MartyH can post as he feel fit and i will also. If i take exception to
    r> what someone posts i will reply....imature is met with imature, wank is
    r> met with wank.
    r> I speak to people in the same manner that they speak to me, face to face
    r> or on line.
    r> G-S, i am not a noob to riding or surfing, been surfing (web)for 12-14
    r> years and have been riding for 29 years(legaly 24 years)

    Unfortunately, this is one of these NG's where a swarm exists and you've stirred them up. See:

    G-S is correct when he said "this news group consists of groups of people who've been typing at each other for years in many cases". I've been dropping in under different pseudo's to this NG since 2000/2001 and the same group hug has been going on. Some posts are great and informative and usually on topic while others are just a wank fest. Points of view vary between the lefty tree hugging anti Howards to the extreme right wing kill all the towel heads. Just do what I do - filter the fucksticks out so you end up with a better read.

    Not to poke holes in your claim about surfing, but you may have embossed it a little. HTTP (which many now associate as 'the net') didn't become 'popular' and used outside of Uni's in Australia until the mid 1990's (about 1994/1995). Zeebee pretty much hit the nail on the head with her post about Gopher, Archie and WAIS although she left out the golden era of BBS's and FIDO. Not sure about FTP, I think it was around then. Having run several BBS's (one at 300 Bauds) and been a FIDO node myself, I can say 'surfing the net' was not a realistic option back then (inter-connecting computers in real time could be done, but it was a damn expensive and almost no one did it outside of Uni's/Govt). Like many here, I got my first internet connection in 1995 so it's only been 10 years for me :)

    Farque Khantz, Feb 1, 2005
  9. Biggus...

    TB Guest

    Original thread as follows

    Subject: Re: Rec Rego - Gembrook area busts

    "Marty H" on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 6:41 PM
    MH> from vicroads
    MH> Rear Vision Mirror
    MH> An effective rear vision mirror must be fitted to the right hand side of all
    recreation motorcycles.
    MH> Brakes
    MH> A recreation motorcycle must have a braking system comprising of brakes fitted to both
    wheels of the vehicle, capable of working independently should one MH> of the brakes fail
    in its operation.
    MH> Lighting
    MH> Recreation motorcycles must have:
    MH> * one head lamp;
    MH> * one rear red lamp;
    MH> * one rear red brake lamp;
    MH> * one rear number plate lamp.
    MH> The power source for the lighting must not be a "total loss system". If a battery is
    fitted to the vehicle, an integrated charging system such as an alternator is
    MH> required. Alternatively, if a battery is not fitted, magneto driven lights are
    MH> Exhaust/Noise Requirements
    MH> Internal combustion engines must be permanently fitted with a silencing device capable
    of restricting the engine noise level to not exceed 94 dBA (the on road
    MH> motorcycle noise level standard).
    MH> General Safety Requirements
    MH> The following safety items must also be fitted to all registered recreation
    MH> * an appropriate horn or warning device; and
    MH> * a chainguard that adequately protects the rider from the front chain sprocket.
    MH> MH

    "rodent" on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 8:02 PM
    rodent> Don't get out then 'ya
    rodent> cheers
    rodent> rodent

    how is that a reply in accordance with "Someone posted,with a BS point of view and i
    replied." You are a mediocre troll I'll grant that much but sadly a very stupid and
    juvenile one who would benefit from mental aide of some form or another. You insinuated
    working at Bendigo Base? I'm sure they've got good psychologists and psychiatrists there.
    Seek help.

    TB, Feb 1, 2005
  10. Biggus...

    GB Guest

    Fuckin' watch me! What sort of goddamn gummint figures
    out what the single most popular recreational pastime
    in the country is, and taxes it?

    Taxing fishing is just fucking wrong (and I never go
    fishing, tax or not). Rex Hunt is a fucking traitor.
    String the bastard up for supporting the fishing

    Yeah yeah, say what I *really* mean, I know!

    G, </rant>
    GB, Feb 1, 2005
  11. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Which BBS's?
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  12. Biggus...

    GB Guest

    This is what I like about IK. You pay for an argument, he
    doesn't let you leave without a god-damn argument!

    G, got my money's worth every time.
    GB, Feb 1, 2005
  13. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    You forgot to quote this bit dumb ****.......

    "I'll say there got done for lack of bits on the bike...never ever seen a
    reg bike with all the propper bits (battery in the air box to power the
    "lights" to get it regoed and then taken out as soon as it gets home)"
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  14. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Whats TB stand for .....dumb ****?

    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  15. Biggus...

    TB Guest

    that wasn't what you replied to originally

    TB, Feb 1, 2005
  16. Biggus...

    TB Guest

    You'll eventually grow out of the habit of posting two or three replies to the same line.
    It's ok, when you're so new to something you can't get all the ideas out at once. That's
    probably why you keep resorting to swearing. The frustration must be killing you..

    TB, Feb 1, 2005
  17. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    You lying **** TB, This is a copy of the original.

    I'll say there got done for lack of bits on the bike...never ever seen a rec
    reg bike with all the propper bits (battery in the air box to power the
    "lights" to get it regoed and then taken out as soon as it gets home)

    from vicroads

    Rear Vision Mirror
    An effective rear vision mirror must be fitted to the right hand side of all
    recreation motorcycles.

    A recreation motorcycle must have a braking system comprising of brakes
    fitted to both wheels of the vehicle, capable of working independently
    should one of the brakes fail in its operation.

    Recreation motorcycles must have:

    * one head lamp;
    * one rear red lamp;
    * one rear red brake lamp;
    * one rear number plate lamp.

    The power source for the lighting must not be a "total loss system". If a
    battery is fitted to the vehicle, an integrated charging system such as an
    alternator is required. Alternatively, if a battery is not fitted, magneto
    driven lights are acceptable.

    Exhaust/Noise Requirements
    Internal combustion engines must be permanently fitted with a silencing
    device capable of restricting the engine noise level to not exceed 94 dBA
    (the on road motorcycle noise level standard).

    General Safety Requirements
    The following safety items must also be fitted to all registered recreation

    * an appropriate horn or warning device; and
    * a chainguard that adequately protects the rider from the front chain


    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  18. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Look again!!!!

    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  19. Biggus...

    TB Guest

    not what you replied to sunshine. I read that again a few times, and then your reply,
    still can't seem to figure out where you're coming from

    TB, Feb 1, 2005
  20. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Where i'm coming from is........most guys abide the law, only a few
    don't.........them guys that don't abide, get busted by the Rats on the
    XR's............ the other 90% remain free to ride..................
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
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