Rec Rego - Gembrook area busts

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Biggus..., Jan 30, 2005.

  1. Biggus...

    TB Guest

    Like out of the woodwork?

    TB, Feb 1, 2005
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  2. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Wow, got me there, would seem you have a whole tripod of
    friends..........are you the star IK?
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
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  3. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    So you read my reply to his post, do you have something constructive to add?
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  4. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    I could never ask you to take sides as that would be wrong. If you could
    just read my initial reply to IK's post that would be great...........But i
    won't let you plunder my arse like you do IK's.
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  5. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "IK" <>
    Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 10:30 PM
    Subject: Re: Rec Rego - Gembrook area busts

    Why would i qoute it dill, i already posted the link yestrerday in reply to
    Bigguses question, dickhead.

    Say's you, dickhead

    But it is called "constant loss", dickhead

    Come and leave it in person, dickhead.

    10 minutes are fine :) ,under 10 IQ would cut you
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  6. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Bitting tounge

    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  7. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    G-S, i have surfed this usenet group since the early 90's.........i am
    pretty well surfed up, but thank's for asking.
    MartyH can post as he feel fit and i will also. If i take exception to what
    someone posts i will reply....imature is met with imature, wank is met with
    I speak to people in the same manner that they speak to me, face to face or
    on line.
    G-S, i am not a noob to riding or surfing, been surfing (web)for 12-14 years
    and have been riding for 29 years(legaly 24 years)
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  8. Biggus...

    IK Guest

    Ah, so you were replying to the part of Marty's post which you didn't
    actually quote... I see. Keyboard set to Insert instead of Delete, perhaps?
    Including whisper-quiet legal exhausts, no doubt.
    Since you ask to be corrected if wrong... I imagine that would be what
    my workshop manual calls a "self-generating-spark ignition system". You,
    like me, have a magneto (or alternator, or generator), but no battery.

    Are there any other confrontations you'd like to leave with a bootprint
    spread across your arse while I'm here?

    I have to warn you, though, the replies to that might also not sneak in
    under your personal 10-minute deadline.
    IK, Feb 1, 2005
  9. Biggus...

    rodent Guest


    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  10. Biggus...

    TB Guest

    Johno I think you better step aside.. We seem to have a new Jurassic
    TB, Feb 1, 2005
  11. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    PS: I'm in Sunbury,Vic.
    Call me when your here, you'll find my number on the net if your the
    slightest bit savy.
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  12. Biggus...

    Marty H Guest

    after you have spoken to friends of mine like that, you are not worthy of my

    Marty H, Feb 1, 2005
  13. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Dood, i am not here to win over, or smoke cock, as you seem to have down

    Someone posted,with a BS point of view and i replied. Take it or leave it, i
    could give a **** less.

    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  14. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    Believe me, i'm not new..ask Hamish....................
    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  15. Biggus...

    rodent Guest

    rodent, Feb 1, 2005
  16. Biggus...

    IK Guest

    Believing that of someone who's just shown how they quote replied
    messages in negative form (ie. snip what they're replying to, leave what
    they're not) would be something of a stretch.
    <sound of databanks being searched for another instance of grizzled
    internet veteran of a dozen years referring to the act of being online
    as "surfing the web">

    Return Count=0

    If any of that was indeed true, you wouldn't be citing in an attempt to
    win over this crowd. You'd know better, in both senses of the term.
    IK, Feb 1, 2005
  17. Biggus...

    smack Guest

    ahhh, you're here to replace Charmayne

    good one Hammo
    smack, Feb 1, 2005
  18. In on Tue, 01 Feb 2005 23:15:28 +1100
    Hmm.. dozen years? so that's what, '92? '93 to be generous?

    Lessee, gopher was the big new thing then wasn't it? Most of us were
    still using Archie of course, although I remember some WAIS afficionados.

    14 years, that was when usenet was still coming over on magtapes wasn't

    Somehow, I fail to believe this rodent character has even seen a shell
    prompt, let alone been on the net when that was the only way to use it.

    - who first saw usenet via "News" on a Sun box in .. umm.. 1990 I
    think, but didn't realise that's what it was. I thought it was
    some weirdshit FIDO gateway!
    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 1, 2005
  19. In on Tue, 1 Feb 2005 22:57:17 +1100
    So that's why you are posting so much, and trying to pretend you haven't
    been talking utter rubbish by hoping people will be impressed by your
    lousy vocabulary of "bad words"?

    Hint... that kind of language makes you look about 13, because that's
    when words like that seem powerful.

    Adult men who have confidence in themselves don't do it, they don't need

    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 1, 2005
  20. Biggus...

    Biggus... Guest

    I'll say there got done for lack of bits on the bike...never ever seen a rec reg bike with all the propper bits (battery in the air box to power the "lights" to get it regoed and then taken out as soon as it gets home)

    I would probably agree with you on that one.
    Biggus..., Feb 1, 2005
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