Reasons We Ride a Bike!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    (Tim Morrow)
    ‘‘Actually, BJay did NOT post the quiz, someone posted it in
    RESPONSE to his original question, and the thread went sideways from
    there. Brian's comments were actually closer to the original intent of
    BJay's question.
    Of course, now I'll be accused of toadying up to Brian, who has been
    attempting to bait me for a month or so.’’

    ‘‘Tim, my compliments to you, in the civil manner by which you
    responded above.’’
    What's wrong when grown folks sign off with Fuch You? (bitterness maybe)
    I think your explanation was just an obervation, and you wanted to
    That in no way, in my opinion, means you believed or agree, or even
    enjoyed Brians response to me. I was just pleased that someone actually
    responded to the main topic.
    So, what category of my most interesing post/topic, do you fall
    into. I know you have been a motorcross racer, and I think I've heard
    that you are a Tour Rider, eh? DareDevilish, maybe?
    thanks Mr.Tomorrow. (wink) (bjay)
    BJayKana, Jun 25, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have already posted my mea culpas’’. Don't
    rub it in. ;-)

    Don Binns

    ‘‘spoken like a friendly gentleman’’
    I apoligize a little bit to you, also.
    Don't specifically know why, but probably owe you one, for good
    measure., know what I'm saying?' (BJAY)
    BJayKana, Jun 25, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    it not that they can't it's that usenet isn't important enough to bother.
    Bownse, Jun 25, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Blasphemy!!! Burn the heretic! Crucifixion is too good for you, devil.
    Quick, someone fetch a stake and summon Vlad the Imposter!
    Tim Morrow, Jun 25, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Nope, I've never been a motocross racer; in fact, I've never ridden a motocross
    bike. I *did* have my first ever off-road ride on a real dedicated dirt bike (a
    friend's Honda CRF-250X; an amazing machine) not too long ago (I posted an
    account of it on reeky) but no, not for me, all that jumping up in the air and
    landing and squirting off berms and roosting and maybe falling down and getting

    And no, I'm not a Tour Rider either. Too old and out of shape for that. You've
    got to be good enough to cause other folks who ride with you tell you "Damn,
    you'll make a man tear up a perfectly good motorcycle trying to keep up with
    you" before you can call yourself a Tour Rider. Expecially if you capitalize
    the "T" and the "R."

    I think "fat, broken-down, middle-aged, occasional 4.9 mile to work commuter
    geek, attempting to show off and impress people on usenet" would probably be the
    best description of me and my riding.

    Just ask anybody. I mean, ANYBODY. You'll see that I'm not lying.


    P.S. Heck, this is so accurate (and INTERESTING), I'd better cross-post it to
    Tim Morrow, Jun 25, 2005
  6. i'll have the NY Strip, medium, with German fries and a bottle of Puy
    LaCoste, blue cheese dressing on the salad, thank you.
    another viewer, Jun 25, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    (Bownse responds below)

    (Bjay earlier)
    ''and another thang RGD, after reading your response again, above! Have
    the Walkers hindered you in such a way, that you and your buddies, can't
    post about real life accounts, anymore'' (cute, eh?) Life is a bitch,
    sometimes!! DogGonet.                     (BJAY)

    ‘‘itz not that they can't, it's that usenet isn't important enough
    to bother.’’

    (Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX)

    ‘‘That's a tad odd, coming from you Mark’’ You've been a TM
    contributor lots longer than I, surely you enjoy discussing personal
    motorcycle stuff on here.’’ right?
    I know RGD was referring to motorcycle stuff, when he typed Real
    Life Accounts, in his original post. &Taken, by me, to mean Motorcycle
    experiences! You know, that you, me, and about 15 - 20
    others come in here to read and respond, because it is important to our
    daily lives. It is part of our entertainment. I hope you admit this,
    we'll see, eh? (bjay)
    BJayKana, Jun 25, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    (Mr. Tomorrow says)
    ‘‘I think, fat broken-down, middle-aged, occasional 4.9 mile to work
    commuter geek, attempting to show off and impress people on usenet"
    would probably be the best description of me and my riding.
    Just ask anybody. I mean, ANYBODY. You'll see that I'm not lying.

    ‘‘I shouldnt have ask such a dumb question’’, it seems to have
    made you have visions of your communication with someone else'' and
    caused you to be in a kidding, silly, funny mood!’’.
    BJayKana, Jun 25, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    Tim Morrow Guest

    You mean I've communicated with someone else in

    ..... I don't think so!
    Tim Morrow, Jun 25, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    I post the majority of trip reports and tech discussions in private mail
    lists, on the occasional model-specific forum, and my web site. By the
    time I come to usenet, I've already done it and am done with it for the
    day. In those other venues people read the posts, ignore them, or
    discuss them. For years Usenet has been the "low rent district" of the
    Internet and it's apparent why.

    That being the case, why contribute to it when it takes 10 times the
    energy after the fact? Hanging out here is for the the leisurely time on
    the bank with my line dipped in the water.
    Bownse, Jun 26, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    Tim Morrow Guest

    If you really want to know the answer to this, BJay, go to and
    look how many ride reports RGD has posted. RGD lives in Canada, with a short
    riding season, yet he rides a lot and posts lots of ride reports, including many
    with pictures. If you want a true picture of people who have been posting on
    usenet for years, don't base your impressions on folks' responses to someone who
    has specifically said that his only intent is to spread hate and discontent.
    Responses to someone like that are not apt to be representative of ANYONE'S
    regular posting habits. But, as usual, the answers are out there; no one is
    erasing them. There are people who are NOT going to spend a lot of time
    reassuring you that they are NOT whom their detractors would love for you to
    believe they are. Again, the best way to determine that is to meet these folks
    in real life.

    Tim Morrow, Jun 26, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    (bjay said earlier)
    ‘‘I shouldnt have ask such a dumb question'', it seems to have made
    you have visions of your communication with someone else''

    ‘‘You mean I've communicated with someone else in’’
    .... I don't think so! (Tim Morrow)

    ‘‘Did you think I meant ONLY T.M?’’
    Communication as in Scussing with folks!
    Scussing stuff, anywhere? Or something like that! Shit, dog ass me,
    cowshit I know, asshole Joe, he may know!
    BJayKana, Jun 26, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘You know, that you, me, and about 15 - 20 others come in here to
    read and respond, because it is important to our daily lives. It is part
    of our entertainment. I hope you admit this, we'll see, eh?      

    ‘‘I post the majority of trip reports and tech discussions
    in private mail lists, on the occasional model-specific forum, and my
    web site.’’ By the time
    I come to usenet, I've already done it and am done with it for the day.
    In those other venues people read the posts, ignore them, or discuss
    them. For years Usenet has been the "low rent district" of
    the Internet and it's apparent why.
    That being the case, why contribute to it when it takes 10
    times the energy after the fact? Hanging out here is for the the
    leisurely time on the bank with my line dipped in the water.

    (Mark Johnson,aka,Bownse) Ft. Worth,
    First, I believe you are kinda admitting that this type forum is a
    regular daily means of entertainment, for you??
    ‘‘Mark, But it makes me wonder why you tune in to this type of
    Is it mainly to fuss with folks?
    I notice you are quite the regular poster, in both of these Moto
    groups. right?
    Are you telling me, BJay, that you don't particularly enjoy
    discussing motorcycles in a public forum, because no one gives a shit,
    so why bother? I find it to be quite the contreary!!
    Am I missing something, that I thought I could find in here? Don't think
    so. Like I go to a Golf forum, to post about Golf.
    Kinda Odd. (BJAY)
    BJayKana, Jun 26, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    No need to explain what I already explained.

    I talk bikes on Usenet with folks that want to talk bikes. With those
    who are "only here to" create strife and controversy, I dish back to
    them their own words which they usually choke on and deny.

    The other forums are more "upscale" than Usenet because people are
    expected to stay on topic (relatively) and take disputes to private
    e-mail. Cross posting and "Sheriff"-like antics get nipped in the bud
    quicker than you can shake a Vicky at.
    Bownse, Jun 26, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    RL Guest

    Well, whom ever you are replying to, I'll answer the damn question. :)
    I ride because I enjoy it and it's good for me and it's something Joe and I
    like to do, together.
    In the beginning, I started riding a motorcycle for therapeutic reasons and
    having a horse is too expensive nowadays. Having an iron horse is better.
    I get the joint and muscle therapy that I need and my motorcycle doesn't get
    colic, or have to be fed, watered, ridden, or groomed every day. I don't
    have to shovel horse sh*t and I don't have to worry about my mc straying
    off, either.
    My motorcycle won't getWest Nile Virus, or arthiritis. I only have to shoe
    it approximately every 15,000 miles. I can take it out onto the Hwy and
    keep up with, or pass the traffic and it won't shy away, or bolt from other
    vehicles and obstacles unless I want it to. I get to do all the thinking.
    With a horse, you have to constantly reassure it and keep it's attention,
    because a horse has a mind of it's own.
    Motorcycles are the perfect horse. :)

    As for Joe, he is an asshole and proud of it.
    One day you can ask him and he'll tell you so.
    RL, Jun 26, 2005
  16. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    (bjay said earlier)
    ‘‘and another thang RGD, after reading your response again, above!
    Have the Walkers hindered you in such a way, that you and your buddies,
    can't post about real life accounts, anymore'' (cute, eh?) Life is a
    bitch, sometimes!! DogGonet.                    

    (Friendly Tim M. Sez)

    If you really want to know the answer to this, BJay, go to and look how many ride reports RGD has posted. RGD lives
    in Canada, with a short riding season, yet he rides a lot and posts lots
    of ride reports, including many with pictures.
    If you want a true picture of people who have been posting on usenet for
    years, don't base your impressions on folks' responses to someone who
    has specifically said that his only intent is to spread hate and
    Responses to someone like that are not apt to be representative
    of ANYONE'S regular posting habits. But, as usual, the answers are out
    there; no one is erasing them. There are people who are NOT going to
    spend a lot of time reassuring you that they are NOT whom their
    detractors would love for you to believe they are.
    Again, the best way to determine that is to meet these folks in real
    (Tim Morrow)

    ‘‘Tim, to me, The Road Glider feller, insenuated that If one posted
    a regular Bike topic,or real life accts.etc., that it is worthless to
    respond to it, because the Walkers will do this or that, mess it up, or
    something like that! Then the old Fart, RGDon, ended by saying to
    me, **** You, like a damn Kid, might say! Soooo, unNecessary.
    That irritated the shit out of me.
    Tim, you know I tried to go into your favorite place, Reekyville,
    and carry on some discussion with ya'll. I remember you demostrated
    that you could be a decent friendly. But a couple of guys, namely Odinn,
    and RGDon, acted like fools, when they responded to me.
    And ususally they ended their oneLiner comment to me, with **** You.
    Then those Two, would go and hide behind their (two bit) Kill
    Files in their (two bit) Computers. Of which RGD is more than likely
    ,hiding there as I type. <G> That's all, otherwise I am having a fun
    time discussing stuff with you. Thanks for that. (BJAY)
    BJayKana, Jun 26, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘No need to explain what I already explained.
    I talk bikes on Usenet with folks that want to talk bikes. With those
    who are "only here to" create strife and controversy, I dish back to
    them their own words which they usually choke on and deny.’’

    ‘‘ˆI understand loud and clear’’
    But, don't you agree that Beemer, fullstate, iceman,wakko,jailcall,
    Mr.Homa,Bill Fright,to name most, besides you and me, generally,
    discuss, bike stuff in here?’’ The above guys don't contribute much
    in the Flame threads, atleast not to me, they don't? (BJay)
    BJayKana, Jun 26, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘You mean I've communicated with someone else in''
        .... I don't think so!   (Tim Morrow)

    ''Did you think I meant ONLY T.M?''
    Communication as in Scussing with folks! Scussing stuff, anywhere? Or
    something like that! Shit, dog ass me, cowshit I know, asshole Joe, he
    may know!

    (sunny brightens up my day, BJ)
    Well, whom ever you are replying to, I'll answer the damn question. :)
    I ride because I enjoy it and it's good for me and it's something Joe
    and I like to do, together.
    In the beginning, I started riding a motorcycle for therapeutic reasons
    and having a horse is too expensive nowadays. Having an iron horse is
    better. I get the joint and muscle therapy that I need and my
    motorcycle doesn't get colic, or have to be fed, watered, ridden, or
    groomed every day. I don't have to shovel horse sh*t and I don't have to
    worry about my mc straying off, either.
    My motorcycle won't getWest Nile Virus, or arthiritis. I only
    have to shoe it approximately every 15,000 miles. I can take it out onto
    the Hwy and keep up with, or pass the traffic and it won't shy away, or
    bolt from other vehicles and obstacles unless I want it to. I get to do
    all the thinking.
    With a horse, you have to constantly reassure it and keep it's
    attention, because a horse has a mind of it's own.
    Motorcycles are the perfect horse. :)
    As for Joe, he is an asshole and proud of it. One day you can ask him
    and he'll tell you so.


    ‘‘nice response, and interesting about you comparison of bikes and
    horses. I have always thought that riding on a Long Trip, reminded me of
    an old fashion Texas Trail drive.
    Riding 100's of mles, on the Bike, with friends, and stopping to rest
    our Asses, and then mounting up, to ride another 100miles or so.’’
    Sunny, the part about ''assHole Joe'' wernt aimed at your asshole
    joe, (grin)
    But, it got you in the picture to post somethin' half way interesting,
    other than
    you sharing with us about some Online Quiz about why and what you should
    be Riding...heehee! (BJAY)
    BJayKana, Jun 26, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    RL Guest

    My saddle is comfortable, so my ass doesn't get tired. Trouble with riding
    in a group, is that someone is always wanting to stop, 15 minutes into the

    I'm glad it was at least halfway interesting. As for the quiz, what I
    should be riding is exactly what I do ride. I chose my bike because it is
    what I wanted and it fits me.
    RL, Jun 26, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    I don't agree with anything said by anyone. I see T.M. as a shadow of
    it's former self. A ghost town of walker boot lickers or those who have
    their own opinions and end up attacked while being accused of attacking
    when they finally post something in retaliation.

    Clear enough?
    Bownse, Jun 26, 2005
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