Reasons We Ride a Bike!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Tony D Guest

    I've wrecked twice, once was my fault and one I got hit by a woman who
    turned left in front of me. I ride _real_ careful like. Matter of fact
    Hank, I got hit in upstate New York near Oneota (Spelling may possibly be
    perverted) on Memorial Day. Totaled an R65 I had owned for 9 years.
    <sniff, sniff>

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jun 26, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Tim Morrow Guest

    You are now ready for Valkyrie road racing. Please tape your lights and
    Tim Morrow, Jun 26, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    bsr3997 Guest

    bsr3997, Jun 26, 2005
  4. As a matter of fact, I did see a deer on that ride.

    Same deer before 9 11???

    Did you report it???

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, Jun 26, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    bsr3997 Guest

    Got an e-mail awhile back asking me to form a mental image of a 300
    pound woman, and then look at the attached picture. The pic was of a
    beautiful woman that happen to be 7' 2" and 300 pounds :)
    bsr3997, Jun 26, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Kitchen Man Guest

    I do believe sir's sig is broken.
    Kitchen Man, Jun 27, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    Andrew Guest

    It didn't say I have to get rid of it, just that it is the wrong bike
    for me.

    I have a line on an R1, that's scientifically proven to make me a better
    rider. I'll still want to futz around on the Triumphs, even though the
    superior R1 will be in the garage too!
    Andrew, Jun 27, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Urmph, "...sell your bike [ASAP]...." I wouldn't want your life to be
    miserable! Er, well, ah, you *are* married, but besides that.
    Kitchen Man, Jun 27, 2005
  9. The group in Topeka that does the MSF course told me, after I completed
    the BRC, that passing or even taking the BRC wasn't a prerequisite to
    taking the ERC there. Go figure.

    I learned a lot, however I need to unlearn my bad habits...

    - Nate >>
    Nate Bargmann, Jun 27, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Andrew Guest

    We'll see if you want to buy it after you ride circles around me this


    00 Daytona
    00 Speed Triple
    RCOS #7
    Andrew, Jun 27, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    Andrew Guest

    Tim likes his wimmmens with 1 cylinder missing.


    00 Daytona
    00 Speed Triple
    RCOS #7
    Andrew, Jun 27, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    bar risers, d00d!
    Bownse, Jun 28, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    never had a BRC. Had ERCs every other year for the past 12 years.
    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX, IBA#288, RCOS#7, EOB
    "I have grown to detest the exact kind of people WebTV markets to: the
    clueless teeming millions who have absolutely no business anywhere near
    a computer or on the Internet." -- Ray Owen
    Bownse, Jun 28, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    Little John Guest

    Just more lying bullshit crap from that asshole Tim Morrow. You two proved it.
    Little John, Jun 28, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    Vito Guest

    Naw, you'll find the Triumphs deteriorating in the shed while you ride the
    R1. If you love them you'll find them good homes.
    Vito, Jun 28, 2005
  16. BJayKana

    Vito Guest

    As you exit an apex and the front tire begins to hook up again, about the
    time you begin applying power, one can *gently* add a tad of front brake
    (not enough to start sliding again) to bring the rear out and tighten your
    arc. Do NOT try this on a UJM, the mass of weight up high will do it's
    thing and high side you into the tarmac.
    Vito, Jun 28, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Reassembler Guest

    Sounds like the cams might have been off in some way. Must have been
    a hell of a ride.

    Reassembler, Jun 28, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    RL Guest

    Joe said it came from the factory like that. And yes, from what he says, it
    was one helluva ride. :)
    Joe was heading back to Ft. Sill at the time. The cop told him he wouldn't
    write him a ticket, because no one would believe it. Heck, I'd find it hard
    to believe too, if I didn't know Joe so well. He's maxed out every car
    we've own since and never found another like that Buick.
    RL, Jun 28, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    TomO Guest

    Yamaha FJR1300
    You scored 5 moxie, 6 zeal, and -3 pomp!
    You have the characteristics of a master street rider.
    On the way to work, your love for riding sometimes leads you to take the
    long way. The 50-miles-of-back-roads long way. You live for the perfect
    road, and plan vacations around riding.

    You need a bike that can handle your addiction to the twisties as well
    as comfortably carry two on a weekend trip through the mountains. Your
    bike is the FJR1300. Can I borrow it someday?

    Guess I need to go shopping
    TomO, Jun 29, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    slightly forward. not much more than i found myself doing on the wing.
    it really is a "tweener" bike. the guys from cruisers talk about it's
    forward riding position. the sport bike guys talk about it's
    set-up-and-beg riding position. I told everyone that it seems Mamma
    Yamma hit the bullseye for the genre design.
    Bownse, Jun 30, 2005
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