Re Pre Learners

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Charmayne, Oct 16, 2004.

  1. Charmayne

    Charmayne Guest

    Hi guys,

    Today was my first day on a bike. I found it really difficult to do the
    corners and managing the throttle so I didn't jerk.

    I feel like a failure, does this get any easier with practice?

    Charmayne, Oct 16, 2004
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  2. Charmayne

    John Littler Guest

    John Littler, Oct 16, 2004
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  3. Charmayne

    manson Guest

    Half-day do you mean?

    The NSW set-up usually has two half-days.

    Yes, it is hard yakka..... rest up a bit before the next day.

    _Don't_ do too much partying.

    Just relax and do what the instructor tells you.

    After only about 40 years, I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it.

    manson, Oct 16, 2004
  4. Charmayne

    Stan Gifford Guest

    It took my daughter about 7 goes before she could start off without
    stalling. Lately she has never stalled.

    Like everything - just practice, practice and practice. (ohh - don't get

    Stan Gifford, Oct 16, 2004
  5. Charmayne

    Charmayne Guest

    Awwww a guy after my own heart.

    Thanks guys for all the moral support.

    And yes it was my first half day. Tomorrow will be the killer. How the hell
    can you practice if you don't pass your pre learners competency ?

    I never realised how hard it is. Although I am a persistant bitch.

    Charmayne, Oct 16, 2004
  6. Charmayne

    manson Guest

    Well, the idea is that at the end, the instructor will pass you, or make
    some suggestions as to what you might need to work on.

    There used to be an obligation for the riding schools to offer some
    "extra" one-on-one tuition to people that don't pass straight up.

    I dunno if that ever happens nowadays. <shrug>

    A lot depends on what exactly might have caused someone a problem.

    Some learners can be just simply too tense and nervous the first time
    thru and just doing the pre-learners again, in a more relaxed frame of
    mind, knowing what is happening, will be all they need to pass.
    Glad to hear you are persistant, 'cos there is a lot more to learning to
    ride a motorcycle than two half days of pre-learner course. :)

    Anyway, you have to pass, 'cos the Pink Ribbon ride is coming soon.

    manson, Oct 16, 2004
  7. Charmayne

    Conehead Guest

    I've been at it for 36 years and I still jerk occasionally
    Conehead, Oct 16, 2004
  8. Charmayne

    Stan Gifford Guest

    Well, the idea is that at the end, the instructor will pass you, or make
    Did with my daughter - she had probs with braking - so she went back (at
    no cost) for a one hour extra lesson.

    In Rouse Hill/annangrove.


    Stan Gifford, Oct 17, 2004
  9. Charmayne

    manson Guest

    Conehead wrote:

    Don't we all, sweetie? :)

    manson, Oct 17, 2004
  10. Charmayne

    Moike Guest

    HowdJa go?

    Moike, Oct 18, 2004
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