
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Eddie, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    (The rodent, not the exclamation.)

    What's the recommended way to get rid of them?

    Preferably without killing the dog, but our neighbours' cats can take
    their chances...
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
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  2. Eddie

    Jim Guest

    Buy poison from Scats or whatever your local country store is called. We
    stick it under a ridge tile generally to stop the cats and dogs getting
    to it.

    You can't stop the cat eating a dead rat and getting a dose that way,

    If you can try and find out where they're living and what they're eating
    it helps: if you take away their habitat and their source of food they
    will bugger off on their own. Generally IME it's poorly defended compost
    and rubbish bins.
    Jim, Oct 30, 2008
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  3. Eddie

    ginge Guest

    I don't know about effective, but most fun is an air rifle.
    ginge, Oct 30, 2008
  4. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    Rubbish is in wheelie bins, and the compost is in one of those big black
    bins, so they /should/ be okay.

    The most likely thing they're after in our garden is spillage from the
    bird feeders, I'd guess.
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  5. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    Yeah, that's how I thought most of them worked these days. Mrs Eddie
    didn't like the thought of finding a croaked rat in the middle of the
    If they're living in our garden, rather than just passing through in
    search of food, that's where they'll be; but I don't think the way it's
    positioned would suit. I suppose I should have a look.
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  6. Eddie

    CT Guest

    And this is the single biggest reason why we've rejected many
    properties that we've looked at over the last year or so.

    And in general, decking sucks anyway.
    CT, Oct 30, 2008
  7. Eddie

    Jim Guest

    Having had a bit of a google on the subject, it looks like Bear is quite
    right. And it seems that a cat would have to eat a lot of dead rats to
    kill itself with the anti-coagulant poisons anyway.

    So we can probably chalk that one up to ancient history (warfarin etc)
    and cat-owner paranoia. Like the one about cat collars and getting
    caught on branches: have you ever seen a cat corpse in a tree?
    Jim, Oct 30, 2008
  8. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    I'm sure the rats could find somewhere else to live if the deck weren't
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  9. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    Aw, nuts.
    Only if you're really careful when you aim the car at it.
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  10. Eddie

    CT Guest


    I guess it's mainly irrational, but both I and SWMBO have a personal
    dislike of it. It may be because what we've seen hasn't been of a good
    enough quality or not looked after, or more likely a bit of both.

    Given a choice, I'd rather have a proper patio.
    CT, Oct 30, 2008
  11. Eddie

    Jim Guest

    There is a tendency for decking to get greasy and slippy when there's a
    lot of rain and it hasn't had the chance to dry out. I think it's
    something we've imported from dryer climates, really - proper paving
    will withstand the weather, look better, last a lot longer in the UK.
    Jim, Oct 30, 2008
  12. Eddie

    Derek Turner Guest

    IMO an air rifle comes second to a good terrier for fun value.
    Derek Turner, Oct 30, 2008
  13. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    Oh, that's certainly likely.
    Would have cost a lot more for us to do that, though.
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  14. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    That's true, but the same can be said of paving, depending on the situation.
    "Look better" is subjective, and I'm not convinced that "last a lot
    longer" is necessarily true.
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  15. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    Unfortunately, our dog's a bit big for chasing rats into small places.
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  16. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    That was my initial suggestion, but I don't think the dog would ever
    catch one.
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  17. Eddie

    Veggie Dave Guest

    Get a professional in.

    Rats build up tolerance for poisons really quickly, so it's very easy to
    end up helping them increase in numbers as you've just boosted their
    immune system against another rat poison.

    We had a fairly bad infestation in the stables about two year ago. The
    professional came along and explained all about bodged amateur attempts
    that, every time, make the rat just that little bit harder to kill.

    Veggie Dave

    "To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim
    that Jesus was not born of a virgin." Cardinal Bellarmine
    Veggie Dave, Oct 30, 2008
  18. Eddie

    Eddie Guest

    Ah, that's a good idea.

    Seems our district council offer a free pest control service.
    Eddie, Oct 30, 2008
  19. Eddie

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Plus it doesn't leave hairs all over the house.
    Colin Irvine, Oct 30, 2008
  20. What he said. Council does charge, but it's worth it.

    And FWIW, every pro rat catcher actually, yes really, does seem to look
    vaguely rodent-like. And get them onto their favourite subject, and
    they're very, very entertaining.

    Our one related how the owners of the building he was attending to
    refused to believe they had rats in the drains, so he lobbed a
    camera-onna-stick down it, and they recoiled in horror as a rat leaped
    at the camera and light, jaws gaping.

    That and the time when he was called to sort out (again) rats in the
    drains, after some workmen had dug a hole in the road, and a rat shot
    out of the pipe they were mending. They all went at it with their
    shovels, missed the rat completely, hit each other, and one wound up in
    hospital with concussion.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 30, 2008
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