ranting merkins

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by darsy, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. darsy

    darsy Guest



    is a blog with a copy of Charlie Brooker's (of TvGoHome "fame") article
    from the Guardian's website (later pulled and an apology inserted)
    where he is rather rude about the Glorious Leader of the Free World.

    The various rants from the outraged americans are themselves an
    indication of why we're all doooooooomed!!!!

    Also, Sir.Tony obviously has an american cousin, from this particular

    "Stinking British love killing American and Jews and protecting Arab
    darsy, Nov 4, 2004
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  2. darsy

    simonk Guest

    Heh. Yeah, I mean, what kind of **** would threaten to kill the president
    of the US ...
    simonk, Nov 4, 2004
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  3. darsy

    darsy Guest

    Paging ^W
    darsy, Nov 4, 2004
  4. darsy

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Nov 4, 2004
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