<rant> This evening I are mostly hating bankers

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by R C Nesbit, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. R C Nesbit

    boots Guest

    Not sure why you think that. It should be more is it affordable? I had
    5x single on this place for a while, down to 0.8 currently.
    boots, Jun 7, 2011
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  2. R C Nesbit

    R C Nesbit Guest

    Higgins spoke:
    OK - did you read the bit about the 3 agents valuation?

    The only property close to ours sold recently is an extended bungalow,
    which has taken up *all* the plot for the extension, so no garden at all
    to speak of.

    Other houses in the area - exactly like ours but not extended, are
    selling for £125k. Ours has a 2-bedroom extension over the drive giving
    a large brick car port leading to a large brick garage.

    The proposed sale for £129k is still well within market value, we are
    simply trying to get a quicker sale than sitting waiting for months, and
    incidentally to help someone onto the property ladder.

    uppercase(d) BBIWYMC#1 BOG#11? MRO#31 IBCDBBB#1(kotl)
    FJ1200, CCM130 Benelli Cabriolet (gone)
    Looks like Rab C Nesbit.
    R C Nesbit, Jun 7, 2011
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  3. R C Nesbit

    R C Nesbit Guest

    R C Nesbit, Jun 7, 2011
  4. R C Nesbit

    R C Nesbit Guest

    Boots spoke:
    Because when we bought our first house, a terrace for £8k, we
    could only get a 75% mortgage, and our respective parents
    loaned us the deposit, which we paid back over time.

    uppercase(d) BBIWYMC#1 BOG#11? MRO#31 IBCDBBB#1(kotl)
    FJ1200, CCM130 Benelli Cabriolet (gone)
    Looks like Rab C Nesbit.
    R C Nesbit, Jun 7, 2011
  5. R C Nesbit

    Hog. Guest

    What I think is that housing needs to be dragged down to the affordable
    Mainly I'd like to see all new planning permission granted only for housing
    offering 3 bedrooms for £100k or more/less room on the same schedule. With
    reselling control. To do something sensible like redressing the woeful
    housing shortage.
    Hog., Jun 7, 2011
  6. OK, I should read the whole text first, not just bits.
    Mick Whittingham, Jun 7, 2011
  7. And you had to stump up a mortgage garentee premium for the benefit
    of the building society in case you didnt pay up plus you had to use
    thier recomended buildings insurance and usally thier fucking
    solicitor and surveyor
    steve robinson, Jun 7, 2011
  8. Its not the building cost thats the problem its the land costs .

    You can build a reasonable 3 bed semi for around £80000
    steve robinson, Jun 7, 2011
  9. R C Nesbit

    boots Guest

    It is affordable, both my sprogs have bought their own places and at
    the same age 23, I'd suggest that often the problem is not saving. The
    issue IMO was selling off social housing, without building
    replacements and allowing the sitting tenants having bought at a
    fraction of market value to realise their gains so quickly
    Don't know what the costs are now but I sold some land for development
    10 years ago and then the cost of building a 4 bed detached was £125K
    and didn't include the land or legals.
    boots, Jun 7, 2011
    steve robinson, Jun 7, 2011
  11. R C Nesbit

    Ben Guest

    I see it as two separate things. There's an amount of funds I already
    need, that I make up to the purchase price with a mortgage. That's a
    'deposit' to me as far as the mortgage company is concerned. In my
    case at the moment it's about 70 grand giving me a nice LTV and hence
    a decent mortgage rate.

    Then there's the deposit I pay to the vendor as part of exchange.
    Again in my case, that'll be 25 grand.

    So different sums for different purposes. I don't think the first
    should really be called a deposit.
    Ben, Jun 7, 2011
  12. R C Nesbit

    Ben Guest

    Pretty nearly all the mortgages I'm looking at at the moment are now
    running at 3.5 times salary again. And I'm about as good a credit risk
    as you can get.
    Ben, Jun 7, 2011
  13. R C Nesbit

    higgins Guest

    Did you see where I said transaction?

    The banks will lend 90% of the lower of the *surveyors* valuation or
    the actual selling price. You're trying to fool them that the selling
    price is higher.

    BTW, in today's market, the agents' valuation means nothing.
    higgins, Jun 7, 2011
  14. R C Nesbit

    Hog. Guest

    Compulsory Purchase in the public interest.
    Hog., Jun 7, 2011
  15. R C Nesbit

    Andy B Guest

    That'd be the same mortgage guarantee premium that if you ended up out
    of work and they had to pay they'd chase you for the money at a higher
    rate of interest than your original loan.

    I was lucky in that even when my pay was cut to ribbons by being put on
    'short time' I managed to keep up my mortgage payments but I knew a
    couple of people that not only lost their homes they were also taken to
    court to reclaim money paid by the people that had guaranteed their
    mortgages. Villains of the worst kind.
    Andy B, Jun 7, 2011
  16. R C Nesbit

    Andy B Guest

    Are we slagging off thatcher again? The selling off of council houses
    was a crime and the young families of today are suffering for it while
    the people who bought their homes with a massive discount sit there and
    say that the best thing that ever happened was the evil bitch coming to
    power and kicking out the socialists.
    Andy B, Jun 7, 2011
  17. R C Nesbit

    Hog. Guest

    Hog., Jun 7, 2011
  18. R C Nesbit

    Kevin Guest

    We did which would have been fine if we lived in a village but we
    apparently live in a hamlet so local planning won't allow it.

    Kevin, Jun 7, 2011
    steve robinson, Jun 8, 2011
  20. R C Nesbit

    wessie Guest

    How recently have you looked into this?

    They used to be quite strict around here but the exodus of 25-35 year old
    breeders from rural areas has meant they have revised the policy to
    encourage the building of affordable homes for young families. There are
    some conditions such as being close to a primary school[1] or existing
    school bus route & other public transport routes.

    [1] quite a few rural schools have closed locally due to falling rolls so
    keeping the remaining ones viable is a political hot potato
    wessie, Jun 8, 2011
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