Random breath testing is a good idea

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sir.Tony, Dec 5, 2004.

  1. Sir.Tony

    JP Guest

    They would have arrested for ABH which is section 47. Section 42 is
    common assault but theres no power of arrest for that one.

    JP, Dec 8, 2004
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  2. Sir.Tony

    JP Guest

    And if they dont want a painful handcuffing and a night in the cells
    they shouldnt tell a policeofficer to **** off or call him a pig! :)

    JP, Dec 8, 2004
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  3. Sir.Tony

    Lady Nina Guest

    Thanks. The police were excellent. CPS are not going ahead with it
    Lady Nina, Dec 8, 2004
  4. Sir.Tony

    JP Guest

    Probably because they wont take any chances. CPS are measured on cases
    won rather than total cases versus cases taken to court versus cases
    won which IMHO is wrong.
    JP, Dec 9, 2004
  5. Sir.Tony

    Lady Nina Guest

    Agreed. But in this case it would have created more problems than it
    would have solved, I think. Unlikely to get custodial (no previous) so
    would just have left very pissed off person even more pissed off, with
    criminal record, which would have fucked up life, so leading to more
    pissed offness. As it is he has had bollocking fom police and knows if
    he comes anywhere near me I just dial 999 and they'll be delighted to
    arrest him again. Lesson learned - if there is a next time instead of
    trying to calm the situation down I'll scream so there are independent
    witnesses. <I live in cul de sac with lots of bored retired folks - it
    would make their day>
    Lady Nina, Dec 9, 2004
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