R1's. They're mental, lunatic bikes that are going to kill everybody who sits on one, right? Well, not that I've been finding. I've only had one a few days and it's hugely *hugely* fast, especially when coming from a 400, but I've yet to find any major signs of what I'd call 'bad behaviour'. The clutch is light, the brakes are enormously sharp and effective without being grabby, the suspension is compliant but gives enough feedback to tell you what's going on beneath you. The engine is powerful but that power is linear. The chassis is light and incredibly well balanced, the tyres (014's) are very nice and grippy... ....so what am I missing? Only, assuming a reasonable amount of sensibility and control with regards to the throttle, I can't see anything that's going to have me off other than the stuff that applies to any bike. Not just yet anyway. Or is it when you're pressing on at silly speeds that some things become evident? Anybody with some experience of litre bikes care to give us a clue?