Quite a Week

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    This one started one week ago, Sunday.. Buddy Helscel called me from Casa
    Grande, Arizona and I left Irving to meet him in Van Horn.. We made
    connections about 10:30 PM in Van Horn.. Sure was great to see my old friend
    again.. Too many miles between us and not enough time and money to make
    those trips as often as we'd like.. We made a sure enough good run back to
    Irving, taking our time and visiting more than traveling.. The tires on that
    big showboat Harley were showing some wear and he wanted to change them out
    for some whitewalls, anyway..The best tire deal was made in Mesquite at
    Renegade Cycles.. Mike Thompson, the owner, sure made us welcome and we
    spent a couple of pleasant hours while they installed those tires..Friday
    morning, we shoved off for Austin and made the breakfast stop in Hico, where
    we met up with Brian.. then on down through the Hill Country to Austin..
    After we got checked into our rooms, I called my good friend IceMan.. After
    he got loose from that old job (damn.. I keep forgetting that some of us are
    still fighting the income thing, and work for a living.. LOL), we hooked up
    a good ride and he and his partner took us on a great run up through
    Wimberley and some parts of the Hills, that I'd never seen.. Side note.. we
    made a coldbeer stop and that lady running that water hole was just friendly
    as she could be.. Looked good and everything.. She even offerred me her
    couch to take a nap on.. What a Life...That old IceMan sure kept
    embarrassing me and if it wasn't for his most gracious little wife, I think
    I'd be forced to reconsider our friendship.. Far as I can tell, she is his
    most redeeming quality.. Ford pickups and Republican Party affiliation seem
    to be his only "real weaknesses".. LOL.. Anyway .. He has sure got some fine
    friends.. Jim and Marie guided me back to the Motel in Roundrock and we
    topped off our evening with some very good Margarita's .. Helluva night..
    Sunday morning, I had to say "goodbye" to Buddy and he shoved off for El
    Paso to spend the night, before making the final leg back home.. Brian and I
    headed north up IH 35 along with nine zillion other very cranky bikers..
    That was undoubtedly, the grouchiest bunch that I've seen in a long time..
    Sheesh.. you'd think after a rally like this, they'd all be in a good mood..
    NOT.. We had a good time and got to see a bunch of the ol' bunch, as well as
    meeting the "new crops" of gonna be bikers.. As usual, I can't say enough
    good things about Wood's.. We visited their new showroom and shop, out on
    the interstate.. Whew.. quite a place, alright.. Congrats to them for their
    new facility and their excellent service. You guys down in Austin should
    appreciate a crew like theirs and a dealership that will provide the service
    that all of us need at some time.. Brian and me had a good and uneventful
    ride back to the metroplex, except for the forementioned "grouchy bikers"..
    Quite a week.. See you next year, Republic of Texas.. another good show..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 7, 2004
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