Quietest Helmet

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Grassy Knollington, Feb 11, 2006.

  1. Grassy Knollington

    Muck Guest

    I've got some like these. I can hear my keys rattle, I can hear people
    talking, but I can't hear the loud wind noise when bimbling along.

    Muck, Feb 16, 2006
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  2. Grassy Knollington

    BGN Guest

    Shoei have moulded Pink & Fluffy earmuff fitting points to all of
    their new black helmets* due to demand from customers.

    BGN, Feb 16, 2006
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  3. I think one of the reports said that was the weak point of helmet noise
    reduction, that they could do more to put in active noise reduction ear
    muffs inside with decoupling from the helmet shell.

    But yeah about the same as a car with windows up, with earplugs in, just
    makes me feel a bit detached.
    Grassy Knollington, Feb 18, 2006
  4. Grassy Knollington

    BGN Guest

    Just go around at motorway speeds for a few years and you won't need
    BGN, Feb 18, 2006
  5. Grassy Knollington

    M J Carley Guest

    But then (a) the helmet wouldn't work as a helmet anymore and (b) you
    would still have to deal with the noise transmitted straight through
    your skull. Most of the noise you don't hear in the usual sense, it is
    conducted through the solid structure.
    M J Carley, Feb 18, 2006
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