Quiet helmets

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Matt Horn, May 5, 2005.

  1. Verdigris wrote
    This I can vouch for wiv me own two battered ears.

    How you manage to stay asleep through that racket amazed me completely.
    steve auvache, May 6, 2005
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  2. Matt Horn

    muddycat Guest

    Yes, we're foreign, we do things backwards here.
    muddycat, May 6, 2005
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  3. Matt Horn

    Pip Guest

    Define "quiet". With references and across-the-board measured,
    repeatable results.

    You can't? Well, there goes your case, then.
    Try a German helmet. Probably the only country in the world (to my
    knowledge) that does perform (TUV?) scientifically valid tests on
    measured noise inside helmets - and provides a figure to the customer.
    That's all we need (awaiting P. Varnsverry Esq.) - a baseline to which
    all helmets can be compared. A standard test as part of the E mark,
    applied to all lids.

    As Eiron suggests, a standard dummy head fitted with a pair of mics in
    the ear area, in a wind tunnel. Fit a lid to the head, measure volume
    at 100 kph (or whatever) and attach a tag to the lid with a figure in

    However - as everyone else has observed - this fails to take account
    of the particular bike/rider/position/luggage/screen and a thousand
    other variables - but it is at least a baseline.

    Well know that there are various methods to quiet a lid - make sure
    the visor is adjusted as well as poss; fit a chin curtain; wear a neck
    roll/tube; wear earplugs (of which there is an infinite variety, some
    better at high frequencies, other at low: some better when new, others
    after a few uses); block or adjust vents; change attitude of rider's
    head on the bike; wear a rucksack instead of using a tankbag; fit a
    double bubble screen ... etc etc.

    Yes, there are noisy lids - and there are quiet lids. The most
    expensive are not necessarily quieter either - Arai RX7, is it? Champ
    has one, anyway, and it is infamous for its banshee shrieks. Lids in
    general are much quieter now than they were. Most manufacturers have
    gone over to flush-mounted visors and subtle vents, which helps a lot.

    Your best bet is still to get a pair of custom plugs, if it worries
    you that much - and wear the fuckers.
    Pip, May 6, 2005
  4. Matt Horn

    muddycat Guest

    Oh, I quite agree. They have let me off more times than I can count.
    muddycat, May 6, 2005
  5. Matt Horn

    petrolcan Guest

    Yes.Dunno.August 6th.

    There will be plenty of good beer around.
    petrolcan, May 6, 2005
  6. Matt Horn

    muddycat Guest

    There are a couple shops there that will do it too.
    muddycat, May 6, 2005
  7. Matt Horn

    muddycat Guest

    They make you take your helmet off. If they saw the sponge roll up kind
    you got a summons. They mainly did this if you had an attitude problem.
    muddycat, May 6, 2005
  8. Matt Horn

    petrolcan Guest

    **** :)
    Air mattress.
    petrolcan, May 6, 2005
  9. Matt Horn

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    You'd have top prove the fuckwit salesman said it was quiet in the
    first place, which no shop manager worth his salt would believe he did.

    My attitude to anyone who asks for a quiet lid would be firstly to
    advise they wear earplugs. If they won't do that then I'd suggest they
    buy a car if excessive noise while riding a bike is a factor.
    Lozzo, May 6, 2005
  10. Matt Horn

    Pip Guest

    I'm seriously considering standing - well, leaning slightly - for
    election next time, on the "Bandit 1200s for all" ticket.
    Pip, May 6, 2005
  11. Matt Horn

    petrolcan Guest

    <throws ?20 into deposit pot>
    petrolcan, May 6, 2005
  12. In uk.rec.motorcycles, petrolcan amazed us all with this pearl of
    Yeah, I'd do that for a laugh.
    Whinging Courier, May 6, 2005
  13. Matt Horn

    BGN Guest

    A man after my own heart.
    BGN, May 6, 2005
  14. Matt Horn

    BGN Guest

    He's got my vote.

    I'll throw in another £20 and will deliver leaflets for you, dear.
    BGN, May 6, 2005
  15. Matt Horn

    BGN Guest

    I've just done a search for my old HJC Sy-Max and I've read several
    reviews stating it's the quietest helmet that they've ever used,
    however, IME, it's the most noisy helmet I've ever used compared to
    OGK The Gayest Looking Helmet Ever that I now use.
    BGN, May 6, 2005
  16. Matt Horn

    BGN Guest

    Steve, I was referring to testing each individual helmet after each
    and every test ride.
    Yes. One can see if the tyres are shit, and the brakes can be tested
    to see if they work at low speeds - while they're not definitive
    tests, at least they can be detected quite quickly, whereas a damaged
    helmet may not be so obvious.
    Cost of ultrasound scanner in every helmet shop in the country to test
    each and every helmet after every test ride?
    BGN, May 6, 2005
  17. Matt Horn

    Tosspot Guest

    Prolly not, I mean I've just gone past the object in question. Ok, if
    I'd past a junction I would, but in general, nope.
    Tosspot, May 6, 2005
  18. Matt Horn

    Pip Guest


    I can see a bandwagon building here ...
    Pip, May 6, 2005
  19. Matt Horn

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    With regard to motorcycle gear, the only items that can be considered
    "safety gear" are those that are CE marked or helmets. Your Diadora
    boots weren't CE marked and I would have accepted those back because
    they truly were shite. Tbh, I wouldn't have sold them to you in the
    firt place, in much the same way as I refused to point customers
    towards AGV[1] helmets when I was at HG.
    There's the rub, those who ask about quiet helmets are usually those
    that want to wear them without earplugs. If they won't help themselves,
    then I'm not prepared to help them. I can only advise them to wear
    plugs whatever helmet they buy. If they can't be bothered then they
    deserve deafness.

    [1] I sent a whole batch of 24 AGV Ti-Techs back to the importers
    because they were so badly made and refused to sell them to anyone.
    When I ran the Harrow shop I sold only one Ti-Tech, and that was to a
    bloke who picked it from the shelf and then dropped it square on the
    floor causing visible damage. HG Harrow had a sign saying that
    assistance must be sought before touching helmets otherwise damage must
    be paid for. He was fine about it and paid up.
    Lozzo, May 6, 2005
  20. Matt Horn

    Ben Guest

    But you also don't know how many times a helmet has been tried on in
    the shop, banged down onto the shelft, thrown around the stock room,
    Ben, May 6, 2005
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