Question as to value of ...

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Manning, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. Manning

    Manning Guest

    In the esteemed opinion of the hallowed enclave of ausmotians, what kind of
    figure would seem fair and reasonable for a trashed bike of the following
    description (the bike had a 200m trip down a straight road on its RHS,
    starting at 140 kph):

    2002 Suzuki GSXR-750
    24000 kms
    Frame, forks, swingarm, engine, trans, brakes OK

    The following is trashed:
    - Entire right hand fairing
    - Can
    - Nose
    - (obvious things like indicators, etc)

    I'm considering buying it to convert into a track-bike. Suggestions as to an
    appropriate offer would be appreciated. The traditional
    treefiddyenakickindanutz has already been offered and was regretfully

    FWIW - the owner was exploring the option of not feathering the rear brake
    while mono-ing and sent the bike on a lengthy solo run sideways down Mona
    Vale Rd (Sydney), ironically just outside the HART centre. No smart-arse
    comments re this action please, she's a good rider who made a bad mistake
    (and was lucky enough to walk away more-or-less untouched, thankfully.
    Apparently her titanium knee-sliders put on quite a show).

    Cheers, Merry Xmas for tomorrow, and a shithouse "6th month anniversary of
    Harsh Week" for tonight to you all.

    Manning, Dec 24, 2003
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  2. Manning

    Fwoar Guest

    Raceglass = $720
    Can = $500 for a slip on
    RH Handlebar = $60
    footpeg with Brake pedal = $150

    Oh for the bike $4-$5k

    Fwoar, Dec 24, 2003
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  3. Manning

    GB Guest

    You took the words right outta my mouth...

    Given that the owner is a she, I'm not surprised. treefiddyandnonuts-
    tokick just ain't the same thing.

    GB, Dec 24, 2003
  4. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Hmmm, yeah - and "treefiddyandakickintheovaries" might even transgress the
    (already remarkably low) standards of good taste here at

    Manning, Dec 24, 2003
  5. How about "treefiddyandakickinthemeatcurtains"?

    Aaron & Kylie, Dec 25, 2003
  6. Manning

    GB Guest

    Yup, that works. That *definitely* transgresses the already
    remarkably low standards of good taste here at

    GB, Dec 25, 2003
  7. Eaglebeak GSX-R's seem to have taken over from the 1st-generation
    R-sisters as the easiest bikes to cause incantations of "Aw, ****,
    don't tell me_that_got fucked, too!!!" once the tools come out back in
    garage at home. When they stack, they damage stuff all over the place.

    Things to watch out for:
    -the castings for the subframe mounting bolts at the back of the frame
    snap or crack if the bike lands hard on the pillion footpeg bracket
    (left) or exhaust (right); this being a looped wheelie at 140kph, the
    "hard landing" criterion would likely be met. This can twist the
    subframe rails, as well (though that wouldn't be the same drama).
    -the frames have very thin walls, making them easy to dent. Bar ends
    are a favourite implement for this. Sure there's not a big beesting at
    the front of the right frame rail and, correnspondingly, sheared
    lockstops on the lower triple clamp and the front of the steering
    head? If this sort of damage has occured, the bike's instanly rendered
    unregistrable, thus knocking a couple of grand off its value right
    -in a flash of inspiration, Suzuki had seen it fit to route the main
    wiring loom along the outside of the right frame rail on the
    eaglebeaks. When one of them goes down the road on the right-hand
    side, it severs the ignition contact and fugg-knows-what-other wires.

    Have you managed to get it started post-stack, even if it's just in
    the garage?

    Are the clocks ok?
    Radiator holed or warped like a Moebius strip?
    Wheels got any big scuff marks on the very rim, from the tyres
    deflecting too far?
    Oil leaking from anywhere? I'm amazed that it hasn't smashed the
    timing cover.

    I'd go along with Daron and say the bike's worth 5 grand, tops... ok,
    6 grand, but that's if the frame_is_intact. That's what I'd pay and
    it's a couple of grand more than what she'll get from a wrecker, but,
    GSX-R being the cult bike they are, an ad in the Trading Post is bound
    to cause a queue of lowered Lancers winding from her house all the way
    back to Punchbowl... there's no shortage of people out there prepared
    to pay a stupid price for a bike just because it's a GSX-R, regardless
    of the shape it's in.
    Intact Kneeslider, Dec 26, 2003
  8. Manning

    Johnnie5 Guest

    thanks for the afternoon laugh there IK

    thats gold just there
    Johnnie5, Dec 26, 2003
  9. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Actually IK - she's a friend of mine and I'd like her to get the most money
    she can, even if it's not from me. I'll forward your excellent advice on to

    Cheers Manning

    (PS - Merry Xmas dood)
    Manning, Dec 26, 2003
  10. Manning

    Johnnie5 Guest

    do i have a bridge for you
    Johnnie5, Dec 26, 2003
  11. Manning

    sardo numspa Guest

    a good rider she may be, but doing monos on public roads, is well just
    asking for it.
    and 140km/h ?
    sardo numspa, Dec 26, 2003
  12. Manning

    Johnnie5 Guest

    collect a few numbers and keep em handy

    start visiting auctions and start a brokerage business

    Ik's GSXR salvage
    Johnnie5, Dec 26, 2003
  13. Manning

    Johnnie5 Guest


    sometimes not

    plenty of GPX's when BT doesnt get to them ;)
    you cant
    lol or a shed full of RGV's ;)
    nah there is enough dickheads like that already ;)
    Johnnie5, Dec 26, 2003
  14. Manning

    Fwoar Guest

    Fwoar, Dec 26, 2003
  15. Manning

    CrazyCam Guest

    ....but it still doesn't make the mono on the public road a brilliant
    idea, does it?

    CrazyCam, Dec 26, 2003
  16. Manning

    Manning Guest

    No, not really - but as I said in the original post, she fully accepts that
    she was doing something stupid... here's what she wrote in her original
    email (posted to the GRO discussion forum)

    "What I have learned Number 1...... I can hear a few people out there
    going what a stupid idiot.. yes, well I guess I was and I am sorry if
    anyone is offended. I was doing something illegal and I guess I was
    taught a lesson that I am lucky enough to walk away from...many
    people dont."

    Manning, Dec 26, 2003
  17. In on Sat, 27 Dec 2003 10:46:34 +1100
    I admire the willingness to admif Public Stupidity.

    But the illegality isn't the point.

    Doing something illegal just means you add another possile penalty to
    the consequences of ailing, and another means of failure.

    What's important is how high the chances of failure are, and the
    severity of the consequences, compared to the reward of doing it.

    What's the consequences of failing to mono a GSXR? A smashed bike
    (lotsa dollars) a smashed rider (more dollars and a considerable time of
    feeling miserable), and a very damaged ego (priceless!)

    What's the reward? "hey look, I did this thing that the bike does quite
    well if the rider has some clue, but has no utility beyond being a

    Obviously lots of people consider that risk-reward ratio acceptable,
    judging by the antics at Mt White on a sunday arvo. Or they do till
    they lose the bet.

    *Then* they realise it was a lousy bet.

    One born every minute....

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 26, 2003
  18. Manning

    Johnnie5 Guest

    ah yeh , not always the bargains to be had like years ago

    $50 is that all thought it would chew more than that

    oh thats right thats LPG

    and then you have to sell the fucker

    IMHO auctions are good if you need a bike

    not that good to be MAKING money
    no you then rebirth from the one you have in the garage at home already ;)
    yeh thats it

    when you start going to the auctions regularly , you see the same people and
    the same bikes as last
    time you were there
    plenty of dumb fucks in the world at all sorts of auctions
    no worries , hopefully catch up sometime in the new year when ive got a full
    Johnnie5, Dec 27, 2003
  19. Manning

    Johnnie5 Guest

    Johnnie5, Dec 27, 2003
  20. Manning

    Johnnie5 Guest

    its fully sik moite
    only 1 ???
    Johnnie5, Dec 27, 2003
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