I was thinking about the recent lonk I posted: [URL]http://www.quadro4motion.com/[/URL] It led to me to think about the A86 Péage tunnel on the north side of Paris. A bit of background. Bikes and scooters in France are known as two-wheels (or three wheels, in the case of the Piaggo (et al) scooters). I can imagine the conversation with the Tunnel owners going something like this: Tunnel employee: Ah, m'sieur, can I have a talk wiz you? We 'af a problem. Tunnel CEO: Of course Jean-Pierre, come into my office. TE: Well, it's like zis. You know we don't allow two wheels in ze tunnel because we're afraid zat zey'll stand on their footrests and decapitate zemselves [1]? CEO: Come, come, Jean-Pierre. You know it's because we really don't like ze two wheel riders. Horrible people, zey are. Greasy, dirty, bikers. Zat's just ze excuse we use. TE: And you know that we stopped ze three wheel scooters too. You've seen ze panels saying "No two or zree wheels". CEO: Very good move on your part Jean-Pierre. Zat was a super idea of yours. Zose crazy bikers. Zey tried to pull ze wool over our eyes. We got zat just in time. TE: Well, we 'af a new problem. Google ze Quadro scooter. CEO: Un instant. CEO taps one handed on his PC. CEO: Oh bugger. [1] This is one of the real reasons!