
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ferger, May 29, 2005.

  1. Ferger

    Ferger Guest

    I went and did some today [1] with bro-in-law and friend, we all got bought
    the 'experience' by SOs for Christmas. Cost them about £60 I think.

    Wasn't over keen TBH, but came back with cheek to cheek grin. They were
    'sports' (heh) quads, 250cc, thumb throttle, left-hand brake and capable of
    about 60mph on the flat, but this wasn't, not in the slightest - dense
    woodland, most of the track not much wider than the quad, overtaking out of
    the question. Which didn't diminish the fun in the slightest - most of it
    coming from the growing recognition that quads don't bat an eyelid at being
    driven at 30mph over a foot high vertical obstruction, tyres at 5lbs psi
    and suspension two foot long. Hard work too - probably had only an hour on
    the bikes in three sessions, but I was knackered. And very muddy.

    Can also see how people end up badly injured: By the end of it I was giving
    it some welly around tight turns, drifting the back-end and hanging off to
    maximise traction in the mud and it was easy to see how you could end up in
    a tree if you got it wrong. But bloody good fun, highly recommended.

    [1] http://www.action-events.co.uk somewhere near Tunbridge Wells in Kent.
    Ferger, May 29, 2005
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